Twenty years ago Christians were so upset at the Harry Potter Series…. September 3, 2022 …that they came up with their own series called Left Behind about the rapture taking people to heaven as the Apocalypse descended upon Earth…. Continue Reading
The Day Gorbachev Made D.C. Stand Still September 3, 2022 I haven’t read a column by Maureen Daud for several years but this headline piqued my interest as I’ve been following Gorbachev’e Earth destroying… Continue Reading
Waltzing Matilda Podcast 37 May 28, 2022 Waltzing Matilda Go to: Would you like to change American politics for the better? Set a trend. Send a little something to a… Continue Reading
A “good guy” kills Earth, Is his ignorance a good excuse? April 29, 2022 Regarding our incumbent Congressmen I have to ask the question in the title of this post again: Is ignorance a good excuse? I went… Continue Reading
A part of the Earth’s crisis we are to busy to pay attention to. April 25, 2022 In the center of the maps from my collection that I placed on my floor to photograph is the black map which was sent… Continue Reading
Thank you Google… April 22, 2022 …for today’s Earth Day Doodle: This fits perfectly with my first congressional campaign flyer which I will soon be taking to the dormitories… Continue Reading
The Southernization of the United States March 26, 2022 A new book says what I’ve been harping about for years. I saw a review somewhere on line and this morning it made… Continue Reading
Apocalypse Creep – This American Life February 12, 2022 In the safest of nations millions of Americans are suffering from human engineered climate change. Here are three stories worthy of consideration curtesy of… Continue Reading
This Optimist’s fear got an early start November 16, 2021 I have been taking my lifetime’s collection of family memorabilia and putting it in chronological order for three weeks. I’m hoping to have the… Continue Reading
Proof that Harry Welty is still an optimist November 15, 2021 I’ll write this post for tomorrow but not now. In April of 1950, just days after I made the journey from egg to ovum… Continue Reading
Everything that Harry writes that is not about the imminent destruction of Earth as we knew it is superfluous. But, he does prattle on at: November 15, 2021 The cumbersome title of this post is also my new tag line that will follow my Not Eudora columns for the Duluth Reader. It… Continue Reading
The warning from the Permian September 21, 2021 I leave the day after tomorrow for France. After I get there I will only be interested in blogging about what I see and… Continue Reading
The Global Warming down hill spiral spirals into a new gear August 18, 2021 The criminal American stupidity over coronovirus that infuriates me is a molehill. We have had the most massive fires world wide in recent years… Continue Reading
News links I emailed myself today 8/7/2021 because… August 7, 2021 because I didn’t want it to be lost. Even though I’ve been doing it for over a year mostly without ever finishing stories that… Continue Reading
A billion people December 2, 2020 This is a map showing the relative populations on Earth. There are two massive blobs. Far East Asia with about two billion people and… Continue Reading
The Party of the End Times = God’s Own Party = GOP July 9, 2020 Evidence of the Plagues of the Modern Industrialists. I took it tonight at dusk: “Red Sky at night sailor’s delight”. Right. Except that, judging… Continue Reading
Why be stoopid and take your SATS when you can buy a better test taker? July 9, 2020 Now its Siberia that’s gushing green house gasses into the atmosphere. But why should we believe the scientists at the Smithsonian magazine when we… Continue Reading
As important as it is, the survival of Democracy in America… …is not the most important issue today June 29, 2020 …is not the most important issue today! Along with 100 degree temps in Siberia vast swaths of carbon rich peat that has been melting… Continue Reading
Science worth considering May 1, 2020 Two stories from the NYT are more proof that the Times has become my go-to media for science news: 3 Africans in Mexico City… Continue Reading