My politics, my personality, my passions. Those are the things I wanted to put in a website when I set up in 1999. In 4,000 plus pages of musings, memorabilia, and stolen newspaper stories, I explained these things in my own eccentric way. One of my chief purposes was to explain to parents and voters what was happening in our schools and the mysterious world of the Duluth School Board. I have rarely added to the site for he past eight years because I blog now.
Here are some of the subjects I lavished words on back in the day:
Duluth Schools From 1999 until 2003. It includes a one-year diary of my life as a School Board member.
Moms Art Just that. BTW, Mom always wanted me to be an artist rather than a politician. I mutated into a little of both.
Snowsculpting a silly but fortuitous pastime that my first grade daughter got me started with in 1987.
Books The best window into my intellectual interests.
Welty a Republican? (not any more)
Diogenes Miscellaneous writings of mine for which I take all the credit and blame. Many are political. Many are personal. A few take a halting stab at poetry.
Crisis One small dramatic episode in my school board experience. In 2001 thousands of Duluthians raised Hell to save their elementary schools. In the last fifty years no local legislator, city counselor, congressman or state official has endured such a profound public outcry. I consider it my finest hour as a school board member. “Crisis” was my attempt to keep people informed.
History&Me just that but there’s not much here.
PoliticiansDiary A much more abreviated diary than my school board diary. BTW – I before this I began something I called the School Board diary. It was like a blog. Somehow I erased it all to my horror but discovered it was mostly intact and available in the Wayback Machine.
Antecedents Family history.
NerdReview One of many efforts at self deprecation.