How hatred of Government became hatred of taxes became the modern GOP February 14, 2024 This screen capture from the intro to one of my favorite French detective shows Les petits meurtres d’Agath Christie fits with my last paragraph… Continue Reading
September 13, 2022 I tested Covid positive on Friday. I tested Covid positive today the Tuesday following. I had a half day in full Covid mode stuffed… Continue Reading
Some paranoia is deserved, some is financed with deep pockets August 4, 2021 I mention this book in next Friday’s column the Reader: I mention in the column that I only have 100 pages of it under… Continue Reading
Polluted to death April 7, 2020 I used that phrase in my last video. Here’s what’s on my mind. Out of the habit of thirty years I washed this old… Continue Reading
If its death panels or a good economy… March 23, 2020 …which one will Donald Trump choose? Trump is complaining that being President has cost him 2 Billion dollars. The virus is causing his properties… Continue Reading
American Shams March 17, 2020 Salon ran a short thoughtful piece that began with the government showing flexibility where it once was arbitrary. This piece in Salon is well… Continue Reading
Warrenism 2 March 12, 2020 Brad took issue with Mr. Wilkerson’s NY Times opinion piece. This was how I defended Wilkerson’s point of view: Brad, Just because the Congressional… Continue Reading
Irony in a fortune cookie February 25, 2020 From the first side of my Chinese take out last night. and the other side: Continue Reading
Wealth Taxes and :( sigh ): This September 14, 2019 23 minutes – This comes from NPR’s . Its about the Ultra Rich wealth tax of Elizabeth Warren. Since my college days forty years… Continue Reading
“Trade Wars are Easy to Win”…Iowa farmers…. September 8, 2019 … are desperately hoping Donald Trump is right! I always come back from my wife’s Iowa reunions with new insights. Her cousin who farms… Continue Reading
What Harry’s reading 8-20-2019 August 20, 2019 Both stories/opinion pieces are from the New York Times: I vividly recall the Tea Party demanding that America pay its debts at the beginning… Continue Reading
Sepsis, Isis, Trumpsis August 6, 2019 Rot, mayhem, stupidity = world economic collapse. Sustained and amplified by Republican politicians hiding under a naked President’s petticoats. Continue Reading
Juan Percent’s True Colors April 5, 2019 I have a grudging respect for Juan Percent. Unlike the majority of strangers who have anonymously faulted my writing Juan has taken part in… Continue Reading
My Socialist Republican Column . . . March 28, 2019 . . . is online and on the newsstands. Continue Reading
Putting God to the Test – My latest in the Reader March 14, 2019 It begins: The devil tested Jesus as he fasted in the wilderness for 40 days. The devil told him that if he jumped from… Continue Reading
A tale of two Editorial Boards October 24, 2018 These days I’m not cranking out five or ten daily posts as I have in the past. I’m being very selective. Even my eight… Continue Reading
Abood today June 27, 2018 I got a question from WDIO today on the case which guts public employee unions. I returned one email reaction. Then I returned a… Continue Reading
Condescension in politics May 28, 2017 I’ve mentioned to others that Hillary Clinton’s “deporables” comment was a catastrophic mistake. The great irony of the Trump election is that blue collar… Continue Reading
The most important speech I’ve ever heard a Duluthian give May 26, 2017 is here: Its on China from a thirty year resident, James McGregor, formerly from Duluth. He lambastes Hillary Clinton for backing away from… Continue Reading
Lifehouse CHUMS and their alter egocentrics May 19, 2017 I gave up trying to fall back asleep at 3 and padded downstairs to read the third chapter of Dark Money. The first two… Continue Reading