Some paranoia is deserved, some is financed with deep pockets

I mention this book in next Friday’s column the Reader:

I mention in the column that I only have 100 pages of it under my belt. Now its 178 pages.

The title may mislead. Its The Tucker Carlson Fan Club. It concludes with my hard advice for the start of schools this fall.

The Republican Party is flirting with Satan. Tucker Carlson now the favorite mouthpiece for White racists is off to Victor Orban’s Hungary, (Democratic Europe’s greatest embarrassment) making money with his mouth.

I mention in my column that Jesus and John Wayne is a book my wife tore through and then recommended to me. At a recent week of a church camp with our daughter and grandson’s a speaker recommended a similarly apocalyptic six part series on the Fellowship the secretive group that has put on the National Prayer Breakfast since 1953. Its a fascinating series and halfway through it I haven’t quite made up my mind how big a deal it is. I found a somewhat skeptical review of it’s importance on the Atlantic site.

What it shows me without any debate is the growing concentration of the very rich and influential increasingly steering America in the Direction of the rich getting richer.

Along those lines I sped through a story about Jane Mayer’s latest report about the same folks she wrote about in her book Dark Money. Same people, same results, Same threat to the common good.

It turns out that both sides can churn out fear inspiring documentaries. The Big Rig is a movie financed by a Rich Trump supporter all about how the Arizona election was stolen from Trump. I am considerably more skeptical of this because it is such obvious bullshit. More shit from a pro dictatorial Republican eager to undermine democracy.

Pete Stauber. Repent!

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