The Zenith stands corrected September 30, 2007 This is a poor headline. I only realized a few hours later that it suggests the Zenith was wrong. Actually the Zenith was correct…. Continue Reading
Johnson Controls little deceits September 29, 2007 I’m very pleased with this new page on Continue Reading
For a lively discussion September 29, 2007 There is a very lively discussion about Let Duluth Vote vs. the Red Plan at the Trib’s website. Some folks are really angry with… Continue Reading
My motivations September 29, 2007 A few posts ago I showed the initial email exchange between me and “Melissa.” She has subsequently written back. She was gracious and expressed… Continue Reading
$125,000 – Baloney! September 28, 2007 So JCI says the average home price in Duluth is $125,000. Bull. If it were, the average taxes on the Red Plan for homeowners,… Continue Reading
confusion reigns September 28, 2007 Sarah Horner, the Trib’s crack reporter had nothing to do with the silly headline yesterday. Her story about a very complex and uncertain point… Continue Reading
Not a nice guy September 28, 2007 I got an angry but respectful email this morning. It was predicated on the silly headline which hyped the “confusion” that we are attempting… Continue Reading
No posts because I’ve been busy September 28, 2007 Where to begin? I’ve worked on fundraising, organizing a trip to the Secretary of Education, correcting our lawnsigns to show a $437 million dollar… Continue Reading
Limits of brick and mortar September 24, 2007 I’ll be the first to say we need to fix up and/or replace Lester Park but the children and teachers in this school are… Continue Reading
Where the Hell was the Chamber on that one? September 24, 2007 I just responded to the three questions sent me by the Chamber of Commerce. Here they are and here are my responses: 1. The… Continue Reading
Who’s who in the JCI world September 22, 2007 I got through the beginnings of cloroxing the basement at about 10:30 PM. When I checked the last days emails I got this one… Continue Reading
A beautiful Saturday for the Landfill September 22, 2007 I woke up three hours after climbing into bed. It wasn’t easy getting up but I felt the urge to write a fundraising letter… Continue Reading
San Antonio vs Duluth September 21, 2007 The specialist I bumped into at Bixbies told me a very interesting story. San Antonio, the ninth biggest city in the US, is offering… Continue Reading
JCI Fortune 100 company September 21, 2007 Denny sent me a link to a story about corrupt New Orleans officials who were grafting off of a huge JCI contract with the… Continue Reading
A cartoon September 21, 2007 Steve Lindstrom gave us his permission to post his editorial cartoon in today’s Duluth Trib on our LDV website. I think we’re starting to… Continue Reading
The upstart Zenith – scooping the Trib September 20, 2007 You can read the beginning of the story on Dr. Dixon’s tenure at Faribault here on the LDV website. We will publish the rest… Continue Reading
Another fine letter September 20, 2007 My friend Frank just passed on the email he sent to the Education Commissioner. Its a fine letter: “I urge you to look into… Continue Reading
The gathering storm September 20, 2007 When I got home a little before noon it had started to rain lightly. I found a tarp and covered the soiled carpet. The… Continue Reading
a delightful Bixbie’s Break September 20, 2007 As the clouds grew more overcast I fretted about hauling all the ruined carpeting to the landfill before a big storm soaked it even… Continue Reading
Duluth Activists email September 20, 2007 Got this email in our growing email list. I’ve put the the critical strategic sentence in bold typeface: D & A I don’t think… Continue Reading