I woke up three hours after climbing into bed. It wasn’t easy getting up but I felt the urge to write a fundraising letter for Let Duluth Vote. I decided my newly submitted column for the Trib would be a good enclosure to go with it. I cranked it out and printed out return addresses for a return envelope to our treasurer.
By the time I was done it was ten and I had to begin organizing my day. I reserved a Uhaul trailer and headed up to print out my letters and enclosures. I got to the trailer rental at 11AM and drove home and loaded up all the debris from the basement. Of course, I had to borrow my son’s car as mine was keyless. I had discovered the keys missing the previous day and had to beg a ride to the soup kitchen to help serve food.
When I returned I kept working on the basement. I bleached the kitchen and the steps leading down to the basement. I then let them dry while I – darned – I’m so fuzzy on the early afternoon. I don’t know what I did but I worked hard at it. Oh, yeah, now I remember. I got an hour of sleep.
When Claudia returned home at 3:00 the kitchen floor was still damp. We went out for lunch and I tried to stay awake to keep the conversation going. We sat down next to…now your not going to believe this…Bob Brooks. It was the third time in three days we’d eaten at the same restaurant he was at. Sara’s table two days ago. The Burrito Union yesterday and Sara’s again today.
When we got back I began assembling the fundraising letters until I just couldn’t keep my eyes pealed. I napped for another hour or two and woke again and resumed the mailing. Claudia helped and I got a hundred letters sent out to past contributors of mine. I only asked for money for Let Duluth Vote.