What’s Sauce for the Goose April 30, 2006 Regarding my post on Rush Limbaugh a friend emailed me this comment: Harry…part of your presentation…causes me to think of a possible parallel presentation that… Continue Reading
King George April 30, 2006 Andrew Sullivan calls it his “King George watch.” What he’s watching is the President’s constant usurpation of Congressional and judicial powers. Sullivan speculates that the reason… Continue Reading
Readers in the Trash April 29, 2006 I went swimming this morning and noticed on entering the fitness center that the stack of Readers was gone a mere two days after having been put… Continue Reading
Stacking the Republican House-of-Cards Deck April 29, 2006 How is it that Republicans so easily control Congress? Will their house of cards blow over? Before 1954 when state’s were able to apportion (divide… Continue Reading
America’s Al Quaeda April 29, 2006 Florence Latimer has died. She stood up to America’s version of Al Quaeda in the Deep South. Continue Reading
The Eyes have it April 28, 2006 One of the arguments of creationists has been that evolution is completely unable to explain the complexity found in eyes thus leading them to… Continue Reading
Investigator discovers that US is clueless about Iraqi’s April 28, 2006 This is a shock. An investigator reports that American forces don’t have a clue what motivates the several varieties of Iraqis who are fighting… Continue Reading
Forever in his debt April 27, 2006 From a recently seen bumper sticker:Â “George W. — We will be forever in his debt.” and just how much will we be in… Continue Reading
Holding your computer for ransom from the Internet April 27, 2006 One more good reason to keep your computer’s security up to date. Continue Reading
Endearing Endowing April 27, 2006 I drove down to the Twin Cities to visit my Mother today so I couldn’t start calling to invite people to our Tuesday Endowment… Continue Reading
Topless Israeli women and the Bedoin? April 27, 2006 I just put that title up there to pique your interest. I’ve read a couple good books on Israel and Palestine including Tom Friedman’s from Beirut to… Continue Reading
My Wednesday Endowment Endeavors April 27, 2006 I spent the day finding phone numbers, getting referrals, and making calls. I only added half a dozen people to my list of attendees for… Continue Reading
Bush vs Roosevelt April 27, 2006 Newsweek had a great comparison between these two blueblood presidents. I was a little put off to see that Newsweek’s columnist Jonathon Alter was able… Continue Reading
Gramit April 27, 2006 John Ashcroft’s buddy, defeated US Senator Rod Gram, announced yesterday that he’s been thinking about running against Congressman Jim Oberstar for a couple months…. Continue Reading
George Bush is soaking the Rich? April 26, 2006 A Wall Street Journalist says that under George Bush tax policies taxpayers making over $200,000 have seen their taxes rise from 41% to 47… Continue Reading
Darth Vader Japanese Police Hoot April 26, 2006 Darth Vader Japanese Police I gave it a 5 but I was in a good mood at the time. Continue Reading
Raising more money – for the Duluth Schools April 26, 2006 My primary concern for the past two weeks has been the Duluth Public Schools Endowment. Six days from today there will be an organizational… Continue Reading
Duluth tenth graders can right rite April 26, 2006 The top story in the DNT’s local section showed that 93 percent of Duluth’s tenth graders can write passably. On a scale from 1… Continue Reading
Hole in the Head April 26, 2006 State Senator Satveer Chaudhary pictured in an ad by the Republic Party with a photoshoped thumb on the nose (see earlier entry) got one… Continue Reading