Where have you readers been all this time, you little Dickenses? May 31, 2013 The title is a paraphrase of something my daughter’s first daycare provider told me she heard another child’s Mother say. Joyce from across the… Continue Reading
2AM – 5/9/2012 – Orderliness in lieu of accomplishment May 9, 2012 My eight loyal readers have often read in my posts a claim that I am more interested in writing a book than getting elected…. Continue Reading
Political prosecutors March 9, 2007 I’ve been busy and thus only put in rare blog entries these days. This troubling entry from Andrew Sullivan hits me where I’m currently… Continue Reading
Christmas Carol and other stuff January 2, 2007 Blogging and other political things were largely shoved to the side from Christmas to New Years. A couple days after Christmas Claudia and I… Continue Reading
Master of the Senate December 16, 2006 I finally finished Robert Caro’s Master of the Senate and not a moment too soon. I began it last Spring but set it aside… Continue Reading
Fun with paranoia December 5, 2006 Last night I was up till midnight again reading Robert Caro’s Master of the Senate. What a great book! Oh, I’m sorry. I think… Continue Reading
Giving up the Reader December 5, 2006 I told the new editor of the Reader Weekly that I would resume writing for them last week. I began a column on “Initial… Continue Reading
“Do you want to backtop my driveway”? November 9, 2006 I keep bumping into people who tell me that they voted for me. I tell them that they were in pretty exclusive company. The 5,508… Continue Reading
Oberstar Watch – Earmarks September 29, 2006 This morning I woke to an interesting bit of intelligence about our seniority rich Congressman. It seems that Oberstar used the much criticized earmarking… Continue Reading
Business North September 18, 2006 I let Chris and Mel know that I wanted a day to get myself back in campaign mode before we got together again so… Continue Reading
Best of Enemies August 19, 2006 When I was a kid I saw a David Niven movie which I believe was called “Best of Enemies.” It was about the British… Continue Reading
Gerald Heaney Retires July 4, 2006 Gerald Heaney was interviewed by MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill for Voices of Minnesota. Heaney has an laudatory past but he’s also a key figure in the story… Continue Reading
Blog Metamorphosis July 2, 2006 As of today loyal readers, whoever you are, this blog has undergone a change from caterpillar to butterfly or, depending on your point-of-view, vice… Continue Reading
Kelm anecdote June 23, 2006 One man who looms large in the story of Don Boyd is Thomas Kelm a cat who always seems to have landed on his… Continue Reading
Nixon’s purging of Texas Democrats June 18, 2006 This Ben Barnes interview is very interesting. It ties in to my own writing about Don Boyd and the politics of 1972. More later Continue Reading
My latest addition to the Boyd Scandal June 16, 2006 I haven’t given it a second proof reading but I’ve finally got a reasonably coherent description of the trial that sent Don Boyd to prison…. Continue Reading
Hooray, 1000 pageviews June 15, 2006 Yesterday I broke 1,000 pageviews. That’s particularly satisfying because I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been putting much content on the blog…. Continue Reading
278 stories on the Boyd Scandal June 14, 2006 To give a sense for the intense interest in the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission scandal a quarter century ago I’ve scanned in the… Continue Reading
How badly did HHH want to be President? June 9, 2006 As I write this book its been important to put the times in context. Governor Rudy Perpich was a generation past Humphrey and not… Continue Reading