Israel as America’s Serbia October 5, 2011 One of the things I remember liking about the George Herbert Walker Bush administration is that he kept Israel on a tight leash. He… Continue Reading
We can’t blame the deficit on Bush anymore May 24, 2010 When I was in Faribault, Minnesota last week, a former School Board member to took umbrage to my embrace of Obama told me that… Continue Reading
Doesn’t this make you proud? February 23, 2010 As “conservative” pundits spread misinformation and falsehoods around to each other like a herpes virus concerning the Bush Administration’s mistreatment of prisoners, 100 of… Continue Reading
Georgia on my mind August 11, 2008 The foolish provocation by Georgia of Russia, which has been itching under Putin to flex its muscles, is something an engaged U.S. President should… Continue Reading
What Bush hath wrought August 11, 2008 Those claiming to be Republicans who can not bring themselves to condemning this Bush Administration are accompolices to the dismantling of the GOP. Continue Reading
When justice becomes the province of political hacks June 25, 2008 From the New York Times Continue Reading
Invasion of the Body Snatchers April 15, 2007 There is a book recently written by an old fashioned conservative Republican. His title is “Party Snatchers” not Body snatchers. Its lambasts the theocons… Continue Reading
Pardon Libby? No pardon this man. March 30, 2007 Federal prosecutors successfully convicted an Honduran fish exporter of violating a law that his country overturned a decade ago. Not an American law mind… Continue Reading
The real reason Bush declared war on Iraq March 11, 2007 Bob Novak of Valarie Plame Fame reported it before any of out troops got on the ground. Read the Dinesh post also linked on… Continue Reading
Political prosecutors March 9, 2007 I’ve been busy and thus only put in rare blog entries these days. This troubling entry from Andrew Sullivan hits me where I’m currently… Continue Reading
Will we abandon the Iraqis who helped us? January 19, 2007 The President and the military are busy reading up on Algeria’s 1950’s revolt against the French. This very thoughtful blog entry at Paco Pond examines… Continue Reading
The “Goods” on those who can not remember the past January 9, 2007 Once again Hollywood is the enemy of the truth as Newsweek’s Evan Thomas points out. Continue Reading
Stalag 17 December 12, 2006 This is a great movie. Its one of my all time favorites. Now imagine making the really bad guy in it – the commandant… Continue Reading
Bush vs Bush December 7, 2006 Years ago when the current President was still out of control his father had him talk to Billy Grahm to help straighten him out. As President… Continue Reading
Rove fooled himself and the Prez too November 13, 2006 Evidently Karl meant it when he said the Republicans would keep control of Congress. Continue Reading
One conservative’s vote for divided government November 4, 2006 From Brett Arends of the Boston Herald: “Real conservatives, after all, believe in smaller government, lower spending, balanced budgets, individual freedom, checks and balances,… Continue Reading
Army Times to call for Rumsfeld’s departure November 4, 2006 Andrew Sullivan is reporting that the Army Times is about to call on the President to remove Don Rumsfeld from his cabinet. Someone sent… Continue Reading
Kerried away II November 2, 2006 Vic sent me this email which ought to hammer in the last nail in John Kerry’s presidential ambitions. President Bush has seized on this… Continue Reading