A good lynching and “our way of life” May 9, 2024 My latest column from the Duluth Reader. Its must-reading for a city with an infamous lynching in its own past: It was satisfying to… Continue Reading
Genocide Joe vs Apocalypse Don February 1, 2024 Anne Frank……………………………………….Georganne Robb Like many books the Diary of Anne Frank was on my radar for years. Perhaps ten years ago I read that… Continue Reading
Donald Trump – Lord of the Flies, the Furries and Hamas destruction January 31, 2024 The Washington Post has a column that says what I’ve known for a long time. That today’s Hamas troubles can in large part be… Continue Reading
“more more”……..latest reader column October 20, 2023 Other than my failure to tell the editor that I gave him a poorly worded caption for this photo I’m satisfied I walked the… Continue Reading
My big read today – January 16, 2020 This is very long but, for those interested in the Middle East, very worth the reading. Mohammed bin Zayed’s Dark Vision of the Middle… Continue Reading
Our sore footed Sleazebag’s War June 20, 2019 The chikencrap who wasn’t sold on the inconvenient Vietnam War and who courageously badmouthed Bush years later for the Gulf War has now turned… Continue Reading
You Have my Sympathy Ilhan (includes the seven paragraphs missing from today’s Reader) February 14, 2019 You Have My Sympathy Ilhan Prologue: Ilhan Omar, Minnesota’s new Islamic Congresswoman, has offered her “unequivocal” apology for twitting the fiercely pro-Israel Political Action… Continue Reading
Why I haven’t succumbed to paranoia – a last thought March 22, 2017 Its because of Seth Meyers, Jon Stewart, Samantha Bee, Colbert etc. For the time being late night television and many other sources give me… Continue Reading
Crapweasels December 1, 2015 More Un-Vetted Refugees Coming to Minnesota? After ISIS terrorists killed 130 people and injured 352 more in Paris in coordinated attacks just this month,… Continue Reading
America, America July 15, 2013 On our last night of the recent vacation Claudia and I were watching a PBS presentation on Elia Kazan. He’s one of the handful… Continue Reading
Tonight I will take my grandchildren to the public library March 27, 2013 A note from the film maker: Three days after we filmed 11-year-old Yussef Mohamed treating an injured soldier he was killed by a government… Continue Reading
The only Middle East nation I fear is… February 29, 2012 …Israel: Here’s a prediction. Netanyahu, in league and concert with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich, will make his move to get rid of Obama soon…. Continue Reading
“I ain’t much of a hand at makin’ speeches” February 4, 2012 Thinking about Israel’s starting a war with Iran kept me up for an hour stewing about the stupidity of our pit bull in the… Continue Reading
Prezicide January 21, 2012 And my Buddy gets upset with me when he thinks I’m getting hyperbolic: “Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s… Continue Reading
When my Grandfather was nine years old… January 10, 2012 …Jerusalem was 85% Muslim. Somehow in 1896 it looks more like I would imagine a holy city to look. And more peaceful. As I… Continue Reading
One case where Ron Paul makes more sense than Obama January 6, 2012 Its Iran. And both of them are righter than the rest of the GOP: Fifty years ago, [China] was the Iran of its day,… Continue Reading
My Buddy is after me again December 31, 2011 After months of ignoring my Buddy so that I can spend my time on something useful I’ve started emailing back and fourth with him… Continue Reading
This is the nation that most of the GOP presidential candidates… November 13, 2011 …want to bomb Iran: Modern Israel. In economic terms, the haredi revival in Israel has been disastrous. Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community is ever more dependent… Continue Reading
Israel as America’s Serbia October 5, 2011 One of the things I remember liking about the George Herbert Walker Bush administration is that he kept Israel on a tight leash. He… Continue Reading