Taxpayer financed school board campaign ads March 31, 2009 Gary Glass called me tonight when he stumbled accross a School District ad for Tim Grover and Johnson Controls plans for the new Lester… Continue Reading
Just a bunch of data March 31, 2009 The Ordean neighbors have been concerned about the report from the City that the School District sent the City an EAW on the Ordean… Continue Reading
What the Trib “hid” online March 31, 2009 Local View: No school district could afford Duluth’s red plan Duluth’s Lars Fladmark couldn’t believe the new license plates issued for his truck: “709… Continue Reading
The Trib’s leanings March 31, 2009 Let Duluth Vote supporters are quick to see pro Red Plan editorial preferences in the Trib. I’m an old hand at reading between the… Continue Reading
What does Duluth think? March 31, 2009 One of the many faux arguments thrown around by the Red Plan’s supporters about having a referendum is that it would have been a… Continue Reading
No contest! March 30, 2009 After a week of silence the Trib finally put some Red in the paper. The front page was about the trickle of Central High… Continue Reading
Hiding our lights under their bushel March 30, 2009 Not to diminish the wonderful editorial debate in today’s Trib I’ve got to give the paper a swift kick in the pants for hiding… Continue Reading
Shhhhhh! The Trib is working, or is that Zzzzzzzz? March 29, 2009 Rob Karwath wants to see the records of Duluth’s licensed dog owners. Well, I’d like to look at the Trib’s personnel files. You see,… Continue Reading
The Trib goes to the dogs while Central High burns March 29, 2009 Parents at Central are unhappy because the District has done everything it could to chase students out of school early to justify closing Central… Continue Reading
Catching up and chuckling March 28, 2009 It might be hard for the casual reader of this blog to imagine that I have only just know read all the legal papers… Continue Reading
The highlight of the Nathan mtg. March 28, 2009 The most remarkable email I received about Dr. Nathan’s presentation involved an active PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) parent who spoke to one of… Continue Reading
When the scales fall from their eyes March 27, 2009 For months Let Duluth Vote has been portrayed as a group of sour pusses. But our efforts to find a means of compromise have… Continue Reading
JCI on the ropes March 27, 2009 Two people sent me links to this story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. JCI has bigger problems than its legal squabble with five angry… Continue Reading
45 minutes March 27, 2009 Let Duluth Vote purposefully downplayed its part in inviting Dr. Joe Nathan to Duluth this week. I talked with Dr. Nathan a number of… Continue Reading
Vindication March 27, 2009 For my eight loyal readers I apologize for the absence of posts. There are a lot of things going on but I’ve been in… Continue Reading
Smaller, Saner, Safer, Successful Schools March 26, 2009 7PM tonight at the Secondary Technical Center next to the Duluth Central High School parking lot. Continue Reading