Grams should quit, say the unions October 31, 2006 Tonight there was a silly bit of news about area labor unions which are calling on Rod Grams to quit the race for Congress…. Continue Reading
Tidbits about today October 31, 2006 Although belatedly finishing the FEC report was the highlight of the day, a couple other things took place. I ordered one more ad for… Continue Reading
Bush Leagues October 30, 2006 I was reading Juan Cole’s blog and he had this to say about Bush’s war: “The sad irony of the last five years is… Continue Reading
Feeding the FEC October 30, 2006 I was finishing up my FEC report today, four days late, when I finally got a return call from the FEC a week after… Continue Reading
I’ll be back October 30, 2006 Oops. My calendar had some confusing scratches on it that I misinterpreted. It was trying to tell me that I would be available on… Continue Reading
Pumpkin carving and the debates October 30, 2006 Last night Claudia and I carved pumpkins for All Hallows Eve while we listened to Minnesota’s gubenatorial and senatorial debates. I thought the Independence… Continue Reading
Chat Reminder October 30, 2006 If you would like to take part in a live chat with me Tuesday from noon to 1:30, drop by the Duluth Solutions web… Continue Reading
First Ad gets an OK October 30, 2006 Claudia hadn’t seen my TV ad until this afternoon. We were fixing dinner in the Kitchen when she said “Harry Look!” My TV ad… Continue Reading
Poll dancing October 30, 2006 I’ve been getting updates on the KDAL vote early and often online poll. After suggesting that my partisans only vote once the Grams and… Continue Reading
Cure for Health Insurance – Capitalism October 30, 2006 Barrons has a provocative review about a new book which suggests that there is nothing wrong with American health care that a little capitalism… Continue Reading
Stuffed ballots October 29, 2006 The KDAL poll keeps shifting according to which ever candidate’s partisans have had the patience to stuff it. Right now Grams has the most… Continue Reading
He’ll be back October 29, 2006 According to this blog Rod Grams plans on running again two years from now should he lose this year. Continue Reading
How the mighty have fallen October 28, 2006 Dick Armey was one of the congressional Republicans at the 1994 revolution. He has been griping about the new Republicans for several months now…. Continue Reading
Pumpkins to carve October 28, 2006 The one thing I’m sure I will win is the distinction of spending less per vote received than either Jim Oberstar or Rod Grams…. Continue Reading
letters late than never October 28, 2006 A week ago I made up a page on Welty4congress of email to most of the Eighth District’s newspapers. I set it up for… Continue Reading
Miner Praise October 28, 2006 I picked up the latest Reader Weekly today after swimming 2000 meters to check on my latest ad. The lastest ad directs people to… Continue Reading
I approve of this Editorial October 28, 2006 The Duluth Budgeteer, which non-Duluthians can’t fathom because its half advertiser, half newspaper, just published a great editorial. Here’s the nub: “Voters should not… Continue Reading
Me Tubed October 28, 2006 I just took a few minutes to upload for videos of varying quality to You Tube. It was as easy as Flickr is for… Continue Reading
I’m ahead! October 28, 2006 The Duluth PoliticsĂ‚Â blog made an interesting discovery a couple hours ago. Apparently KDAL has an online poll for the congressional race. As of this… Continue Reading
a good summation of how the GOP burst its own bubble October 27, 2006 From CNN’s Jeff Greenfield. Continue Reading