The Charlie Manson wing of the Trumplican Party May 30, 2020 The ghost of Charlie Manson, “Helter Skelter,” has come to haunt Minnesota courtesy of Donald Trump. These are some of the “good people” from… Continue Reading
149 words and a decision May 29, 2020 I have just decided to smell the roses. I’ll file for the Congress next week but I found what I’ve been looking for. I’ve… Continue Reading
Donald Trump the triple threat……just today May 28, 2020 The White House is going dark on the economy. The White House reportedly will not release updated economic projections this summer, an unprecedented move… Continue Reading
My daughter knocks another one out of the park May 28, 2020 She will be missing her Hunters. Continue Reading
I vent for my French penpal over today’s headlines and Donald Trump May 28, 2020 This morning as I woke to headlines coming from Minneapolis. My innocent French penpal asked how my book writing was going and then asked… Continue Reading
Questions for Pete Stauber #1 May 27, 2020 Do you support a President who repeatedly tells his forty million followers on Twitter that Talk Show host Joe Scarborough is a murderer? Follow… Continue Reading
If the past is prologue…..and it surely will be May 27, 2020 From Facebook from my nurse anesthisist Sister-in-law which at the bottom has a Snopes truth rating of “mostly true.” The 1918-1920 flu pandemic came… Continue Reading
Good works today May 27, 2020 Claudia and I made 20 sandwiches and I took them over to our church where on Wednesday’s many of us take our food over… Continue Reading
Patience helps conversation May 27, 2020 The fellow I thanked for identifying him or herself sent me an extended reply instead of short circuiting it with a throwaway line about… Continue Reading
Grant stayed calm and improvised through the battle. Me too. May 26, 2020 Last night we watched the first of the three part History Channel series on Ulysses S. Grant. Its good because Historian Ron Chernow was… Continue Reading
I will be watching this May 25, 2020 US Grant on the History Channel And here is confirmation from my Grandfather in a 2013 post about my Grandfather defending Grant’s honor… Continue Reading
Critic addendum May 25, 2020 Re: the previous post to a critic: My critic includes a link to a technical article about possible benefits of using hydroxychloroquine as President… Continue Reading
“Thank you for not being anonymous.” May 25, 2020 That was all I said in reply to the following email this morning. I appreciated the feedback as dismissive as it was in large… Continue Reading
The War over telling History May 25, 2020 Amazon Customers loved this book on George Washington but not all the book’s reviewers agreed with the general consensus. Thus: “This is what happens… Continue Reading
NEWS I’M READING 5/24/2020 May 25, 2020 NPR Federal JudgeRules Florida Law Restricting Voting Rights for Felons Unconstitutional Continue Reading
Wash your hands May 24, 2020 The upside of staying at home is free time to be creative. If you listen to my daughter’s video on your cell phone you… Continue Reading
NEWS I’M READING 5/23/2020 May 24, 2020 A lot of interesting things as usual but I’m only going to post one item I made sure to read. Its a NYTimes story… Continue Reading
Crowdsourced proof reading? May 23, 2020 As I prepare to lock horns with Pete Stauber and the Evil Empire of President Trump, I could use some help with this: I… Continue Reading
NEWS I’M READING 5/22/2020 May 22, 2020 My Opinion: Perhaps the most consequential result of Trump’s presidency has been to put the stark differences between America and China under a microscope…. Continue Reading