The only Middle East nation I fear is… February 29, 2012 …Israel: Here’s a prediction. Netanyahu, in league and concert with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich, will make his move to get rid of Obama soon…. Continue Reading
Oh, me of little faith! February 29, 2012 The snow hit bigtime shortly after my whiney post about being shortchanged again. My 61 year old back is suffering after three hours of… Continue Reading
Maybe I should have word searched “impatience” February 29, 2012 Had I waited fifteen more minutes on the word search I would be in whiteout conditions. If you are up early you could see… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day February 29, 2012 Disappointment as in where is the foot of snow we were expecting this morning? Oh well, the Duluth Schools called a snow day. That,… Continue Reading
Ain’t bookin this February 28, 2012 I didn’t pay much attention to the inadvertent jail death of the Duluth man who was found guilty of having sex with underage Grand… Continue Reading
Will Teacher Tenure changes in Minnesota spark a Walker-like reaction? February 28, 2012 This story’s headline in the Strib had me wondering. I don’t think so. It only effects one, albeit the largest, public employee union. It… Continue Reading
He’s coming out from behind the teleprompter… February 28, 2012 …and looking for a fight. Continue Reading
What might have been… February 28, 2012 …for the GOP. It is what I hoped for but I swam against a red tide of George Wallace resentment allied with Moral Majoritarian… Continue Reading
Meanwhile Michigan Dems are on the verge of helping… February 28, 2012 …Rush, Ailes and Rove finish of the last remant of moderation in a wolf’s clothing that the GOP had. Democrats will help win Michigan… Continue Reading
The same people who nurtured the most self righteous knot heads… February 27, 2012 …while excoriating anyone who valued thoughtful discourse are on the verge of extinguishing the Republican Party. Thanks Rush, Thanks Ailes, Thanks Rove: Romney may… Continue Reading
Let me tell you about Zeke February 27, 2012 After I’d survived a year of being the only outsider in North Mankato’s insular (if not inbred) Garfield Junior high a kid with bright… Continue Reading
When Ron Paul is out of the Presidential sweepstakes… February 27, 2012 …who will America’s Military support? Continue Reading
The big snow storm – I got zip February 27, 2012 A week ago early forecasts suggested we might get up to eight inches of snow. That was music to my ears since this would… Continue Reading
That won’t stop me though… February 27, 2012 …from running for Congress should lightning strike. Lightning, of course, meaning a book being written that hits a nerve. I’d rather tend to a… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day February 27, 2012 Well, I obviously can’t run for Congress since I was so busy being a grandparent to a sick grandchild over the last week that… Continue Reading
Bookin it 17 February 25, 2012 Other than making a stab at writing again today my output was pretty disappointing. On the plus side I’ve completed enough organizational work to… Continue Reading
The old may be watching FOX News… February 25, 2012 …but the young are watching Jon Stewart: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Indecision 2012 – Rick Santorum’s… Continue Reading
It happened in Minnesota first February 25, 2012 Democrats are contemplating voting en masse for the weaker candidate, Rick Santorum, in Michigan’s “open” Republican primary election. Minnesota Republicans did much the same… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day February 25, 2012 Bliss Ralph Doty has another column in the Budgeteer today. Its a book review about the little known President James Garfield. When I moved… Continue Reading