When a sparrow falls July 31, 2012 Apparently I have hornets and wasps to thank for my wine cellar. They carry yeast in their guts and bite wine grapes thus passing… Continue Reading
GOP Circular firing squad gets smaller July 31, 2012 Two stories in the news today. First Militant “conservatives” are busy trying to purge “moderate” Republicans from the Kansas and other midwestern legislatures. Their… Continue Reading
Unendorsed Dayton supports Endorsed Nolan July 31, 2012 I enjoy the irony of this. Mark Dayton who got elected Governor without the DFL endorsement is supporting the Eighth District DFL Congressional candidate… Continue Reading
90 days for JCI to fess up? July 27, 2012 I’ve been AWOL on reporting the ongoing court case against JCI and the St. Louis County Schools. It looks like the recent favorable opinion… Continue Reading
GOP political pornography July 17, 2012 Giving Father Coughlin a run for his money: “I think it can now be said, without equivocation, without equivocation, that this man hates this… Continue Reading
Good Red Plan News July 10, 2012 After spending $315 million dollars(not counting interest) on the Red Plan Duluth’s schools only suffered a hundred thousand dollars in June flood damage. Its… Continue Reading
Vacation, Apathy, Metamorphosis, Whatever July 9, 2012 I suspect that my eight loyal readers are close to giving up on me. Every so often since I started this blog in 2006… Continue Reading
The dark arts of Johnson Controls July 4, 2012 I’ll write about these revelations from the Timberjay tomorrow or later tonight. p. 10: Zelda Bruns: ” We’re worse off now than we were… Continue Reading