I’ll give Jim the last word. November 29, 2018 It’s the least I can do with him hanging on to my tail: “As the old timers used to say in my day “Son,… Continue Reading
Honest Abe vs Dishonest Don November 29, 2018 A couple times a year I notice that two cartoons on the Trib’s comics page share a similar theme. Today was such a day…. Continue Reading
4 AM November 24, 2018 I have been trying mightily to get six or more hours of sleep a night. Blast it all, sometimes I wake and can’t turn… Continue Reading
A meditation on Thanksgiving Company November 23, 2018 Grandma Claudia screamed as our our older Grandson sliced up onions for our Thanksgiving repast. Fortunately our Tan Man did not cut a finger… Continue Reading
Writers can collect cobwebs too November 22, 2018 For Thanksgiving, This week’s Not Eudora column in the Reader: And I didn’t mention my matchbook collection that disappeared shortly after my parents found… Continue Reading
A little more on the author of the “Handsome Harry” emails November 20, 2018 Jim is worthy of my attention. For starters he seems to be extremely pleased that the Iron Range has become Trump country. Too bad… Continue Reading
I am about to out a former cheerleader of mine November 20, 2018 A former fan of mine has become a bitter critic. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned his name before in the blog and I… Continue Reading
John Ramos on Duluth School District opacity November 20, 2018 John Ramos gave me a mention in his latest Duluth Reader column. This complaint of mine seems not to have changed much. BTW –… Continue Reading
Busy but not blogging November 15, 2018 I’ve spent the last few days doing a deep clean and reorganization of my basement instead of blogging or writing. Today I looked at… Continue Reading
George S Robb Center for the Study of the Great War November 12, 2018 I’ve taken down the flag tonight on the official anniversary of the original Armistice Day. I’ll put it up again for the formal Veteran’s… Continue Reading
The mega kleptocracy of today’s GOP November 11, 2018 TRYING TO LOOK UP SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY ON MY BLOG I stumbled on this scrap of information. It pertains to Govornor Scott who has… Continue Reading
Desecrating Consecrated Soil November 10, 2018 Our President didn’t want to get his hair wet so he was the only head of state to skip out on visiting one of… Continue Reading
“Richard Nixon was Jefferson compared to Trump” November 10, 2018 This five minute interview on NPR with one of the original Watergate lawyers is instructive. For years after Watergate Republican Senators were given credit… Continue Reading
Trolling the Trolls November 9, 2018 After six months of writing columns for the Reader I finally got some reaction in the online comment box. After my Frat Boy column… Continue Reading
The Holidays with Eugène Delacroix November 9, 2018 My eight loyal readers know that in the Holiday season of the late fall I put jigsaw puzzles together. When I go on trips… Continue Reading
Harry Welty for President November 9, 2018 Here’s my latest Not Eudora column in the Duluth Reader with another anonymous troll nipping at my heals…..Trolls tickle. Continue Reading
No Irish need apply November 8, 2018 Now that my three years of watching Donald Trump swallow the Republican Party whole has finally given way to a ray of hope in… Continue Reading
Glad that’s over with…..OMG, there’s another election coming!!!!! November 7, 2018 I’m too fatigued from worry to think much about the 2020 election but I’m sure it will be another doozy. I simply feel relief…. Continue Reading
My next two years November 5, 2018 At choir on Sunday a friend mentioned that he’d read my letter to the editor. I told him that the really effective letter in… Continue Reading
Dear Republican Party. Look who thought being liberal was virtuous. November 1, 2018 At tonight’s touching remembrance for the recent victims of White nationalism which was held at Duluth’s Temple Israel our pastor gave a compelling description… Continue Reading