Would this be acceptable in the US? May 27, 2011 Would it be anti-semitic of me to deplore the slow abandonment of democratic principles by Israel’s Jewish population? “…according to a 2010 survey by… Continue Reading
Here Here! May 27, 2011 I would have quoted a different passage in Gary Glass’s commentary today but the link at the Trib isn’t working at the moment. I’d… Continue Reading
Nice to have Bill Clinton agree with me May 25, 2011 “I’m afraid the Democrats will draw the conclusion that because Congressman Ryan’s proposal is not the right one, that we shouldn’t do anything. I… Continue Reading
Tsk tsk tsk May 25, 2011 This DNT editorial shaming Minnesota’s legislators for failing to solve our budget problems misses the mark: The bottom line is lawmakers failed. You had… Continue Reading
Enjoy it while it lasts May 25, 2011 The Red Plan which began as a way to close a high school, morphed to a long range plan then to a way to… Continue Reading
It will be a shame if Democrats take control again… May 24, 2011 …by running a campaign to reassure the American public that there is no need to worry about Social Security and Medicare That’s because the… Continue Reading
What else made me a RINO? May 23, 2011 Just look at any of the long list of issues on the right hand side of this blog and you will see issues that… Continue Reading
My time sink goads me on abortion May 23, 2011 This is an email I just received on a subject I’ve said little about of late: Harry: Regarding abortion, maybe Republicans aren’t as out… Continue Reading
Meanwhile JCI building costs are . . . May 23, 2011 . . . exceeding forecasts by half a million at the Cherry School site: Although the district as a whole remains under budget, the… Continue Reading
Court to rule on whether the St. Louis Co School Board . . . May 23, 2011 . . . spent money illegally to promote their narrowly passed JCI building plan. An attorney for the St. Louis County School District had… Continue Reading
Unfair and Unbalanced . . . May 22, 2011 . . . but not complete idiots. The Fox in the hen house. “Roger is worried about the future of the country. He thinks… Continue Reading
Children can’t vote May 20, 2011 A decade ago I was pouring over old newspapers from the time I was in college back in the 1970’s and was struck by… Continue Reading
Meanwhile the GOP firebrands… May 20, 2011 . . . are busy alienating the people who elected them last year. Continue Reading
Don’t blame people . . . May 20, 2011 . . . Polar bears. are passing too much gas. “On current trends, the Arctic will be entirely ice-free in September by about 2016,… Continue Reading
Fox news warns us that Obama . . . May 19, 2011 . . . is doing exactly what George W. Bush and Bill Clinton were trying to do…….abandon Israel (apparently). They just don’t mention Bush… Continue Reading
Not for prudes or climate change denialists May 19, 2011 Gosh but the Sullivan blog has lots of good stuff for me to copy today: Continue Reading
Out of the mouth of the “Tea Party Blog” May 19, 2011 If you thought I was kidding about Horcruxes this is one more of them. “Let me tell you what I think about moderates. Even… Continue Reading
The GOP’s future May 19, 2011 The GOP will have a lot of explaining to do if it hopes to attract this growing population to party. If it fails to… Continue Reading