JCI’s unqualified experts March 31, 2008 What follows is an email from Art Johnston who discovered that a lot of JCI’s so called experts were not liscenced to work in… Continue Reading
Duluth Citizens Blog March 31, 2008 The Duluth Citizens Blog has had a little back and forth on the Red Plan and is worth a visit. I’ve posted a couple… Continue Reading
Mike Jaros to the rescue March 29, 2008 I presume the Duluth Trib will get around to reporting this news but Mike Jaros the author of one of the laws which apparently… Continue Reading
Pinocchio March 29, 2008 For anyone who only saw my Pinocchio after coming back from spending January in Florida. Here’s my pics of this winter’s snow sculuptures at… Continue Reading
The illusion of choice March 29, 2008 Virgil Swing, a former editor for the Duluth News Tribune and new columnist for the Duluth Budgeteer, has a very worthwhile column in this… Continue Reading
Who can you contact to complain about the Red Plan? March 29, 2008 These people will all want to hear from you. Continue Reading
Dr. Dixon’s Spies March 29, 2008 Dr. Dixon has acknowledged that someone gave him an advance copy of the full page ad that Let Duluth Vote put in the Duluth… Continue Reading
An Unwise Plan March 29, 2008 I’m back. Until the Red Plan is modified I’ll start posting again – mostly about the Red Plan. To start with this is what… Continue Reading