Cursing Gary July 31, 2009 At last night’s special meeting of the Duluth School Board its attorney Ms. Torgerson handed over a resolution vowing to boil any school board… Continue Reading
Shame on me July 31, 2009 I was calling one of Tim Grover’s constituents the other day who commented that he had written Tim off after voting for him in… Continue Reading
They’re all ears July 31, 2009 In case you were wondering……..the post with the eavesdropping device is about them not us. Continue Reading
A fool for a client July 31, 2009 While the taxpayers are without an attorney at the moment they still have legal work which needs to be pursued. While we are interviewing… Continue Reading
Surveillance July 31, 2009 In the Harry Potter series the Weasley Twins called their’s “extendable ears.” Continue Reading
My Reply to Ralph Doty is in July 30, 2009 You can read it on the Budgeteer online or here: Debunking claims should be more important than perusing e-mails Let Duluth Vote’s Harry Welty… Continue Reading
Dr. Dixon probably knows July 30, 2009 The last two months that the School District’s lawyers have tied Let Duluth Vote up in knots raising money, converting it to bonds and… Continue Reading
Read this sentence July 30, 2009 The Trib’s story today on the current situation in the taxpayer’s lawsuit against the District and JCI concludes with this critical observation from the… Continue Reading
The old records fall July 30, 2009 As I was pulling together a little history for the book I paused to check my blog stats. Thank you all for visiting. I’ve… Continue Reading
Oldies but Goodies July 30, 2009 If I’m going to have to ease back on my posts restricting them to the safest and most predictable things while I save all… Continue Reading
Last ******* July 30, 2009 ***** *** **** **** **** and it was strongly suggested that I pour more of my efforts into writing that scandalous book that Dr…. Continue Reading
A new mug shot July 30, 2009 Yesterday after I sent in my rejoinder to Dr. Doty the Budgeteer’s editor Jana Peterson mentioned that if I had a different portrait shot… Continue Reading
The Economy July 30, 2009 I’ve been forced into an (for me) unnatural tunnel vision for the past year. The Tunnel is the Red Plan and like a soldier… Continue Reading
No complaints July 29, 2009 I just read the Trib story about the loss of our attorney and the continuance of the suit. The paper has been sitting on… Continue Reading
A little help please July 29, 2009 I just checked my stats. I’m just 18 people shy of having 1,000 “unique visitors” to the website this month. That would be a… Continue Reading
Popular Pariah July 29, 2009 For a pariah a lot of people have been stopping to thank me. And this is after Ralph Doty’s column and losing the taxpayer’s… Continue Reading
Shadows on the wall July 29, 2009 A week ago someone mentioned at one of the LDV meetings that a few weeks earlier a phone survey was being conducted around Duluth… Continue Reading
A Riposte to Dr. Doty July 29, 2009 I can’t reveal my reply to Dr. Ralph Doty’s column lambasting me last week in the Budgeteer. If I did it might not be… Continue Reading
Craig Hunter – a most honorable man July 28, 2009 I’m sure the Red Plan cheerleaders will be crowing over this set back and heaping abuse on the taxpayer’s attorney, Craig Hunter. Let Duluth… Continue Reading