OMG, We’re falling behind – let’s nuke Iran! February 20, 2012 We Americans don’t even account for half of the world’s military spending. Ike was a fool to warn us against our Military Industrial Complex:… Continue Reading
If the GOP can’t impeach a President for lying about having sex with his intern. January 27, 2012 They’ll just impeach him because they don’t like his fiscal policy. Or so says Grover Norquist: Obama can sit there and let all the… Continue Reading
The government payroll [BIGOT ALERT] September 23, 2011 I’m kicking myself for letting an old habit lapse. I used to clip or hang onto old DNT’s that had info I was interested… Continue Reading
And they gave her applause! August 13, 2011 Bachmann is a joke – or not – if you are paranoid enough. Here’s a sussinct appraisal! JOE SCARBOROUGH: Michele Bachmann’s first answer, Mark… Continue Reading
In a story about Israel a writer puts the finger … August 9, 2011 …on what’s wrong with American politics. In the United States, because the Republican Party refuses to ever raise taxes and the Democratic Party refused… Continue Reading
Is the GOP out on a limb … July 12, 2011 …with a big saw? That could be the case in their debt ceiling battle with the President because of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment. Here’s… Continue Reading
One more reason for the GOP to burn Gingrich May 19, 2011 I just saw this ad. It is as stupid as the Right Wing ideology it condemns. Its appallingly simplistic. I laughed like heck at… Continue Reading
Obama’s taxing promise May 11, 2011 President Obama should not get a pass or a pat on the back for promising to jack up taxes only on the super rich…. Continue Reading
An Anti-Tea Party? February 19, 2011 I’ve heard pundits argue whether the public is going to be sympathetic to Wisconsin’s public employee union protests or unsympathetic. Both sides make plausible… Continue Reading
There is a crying need to do something February 19, 2011 Many states are facing incredible fiscal obstacles and no obstacle is more spectacular than the one faced by the Golden State, a half trillion… Continue Reading
Taking the GOP to the woodshed August 2, 2010 First Ronald Reagan took David Stockman to the woodshed. Ever since the GOP has been brain dead about taxes and deficits. Continue Reading
The CBO on the ARRA May 26, 2010 To the best of my knowledge the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is still considered one of the most non partisan analysts of the American… Continue Reading
$Obamacare vs. $Bushcare March 30, 2010 The GOP Congressmen who are frothing at the mouth over the cost of Obamacare fell all over themselves to vote for Bushcare: a comparison:… Continue Reading
Health Reform – taking on all comers March 22, 2010 I’m glad Obamacare has passed. Its hideous, of course, but it reminds me of Churchill’s comment about democracy: That its the worst possible form… Continue Reading
The Mother of all bailouts September 19, 2008 I think I agree withRobert Reich on the latest proposed bailout. As a Republican I’m very supportive of free enterprise and the “invisible hand.”… Continue Reading
corn syrup September 15, 2008 My family just spent the weekend in Iowa. We have roots there and we reap a small windfall from all the corn we saw… Continue Reading
What Bush hath wrought August 11, 2008 Those claiming to be Republicans who can not bring themselves to condemning this Bush Administration are accompolices to the dismantling of the GOP. Continue Reading
A fiscal conservative looks at McCain & Obama June 13, 2008 Old fashioned prudence and the public purse. The analysis of David Brooks by way of Andrew Sullivan Continue Reading
Pork on Board February 1, 2007 I knew that the DM&E was a big issue in southeastern Minnesota and may have helped Walz defeat Gutknecht but I’d never heard it… Continue Reading