The plan for your $293 million August 29, 2007 Let Duluth Vote just requested that the Duluth School District post the entire 139 page proposal for the Red Plan which was submitted to… Continue Reading
email us if you want to petition August 29, 2007 Any reader wishing to get email from Let Duluth Vote send us your name, addressand phone number. We’ll bring your as many petitions as… Continue Reading
Let Duluth Vote news August 29, 2007 Our meeting last night at the Duluth Heights Community club was almost double the previous attendance last week. We formed a large circle to… Continue Reading
46 days August 29, 2007 As of today we have 46 days or less to wait for the Governor (or his Education Department) to hand down a decision on… Continue Reading
Anxious hours for a new Grandpa to be August 29, 2007 My daughter called yesterday. She is about, it seems, to deliver our first grandchild. This baby is in a hurry and if delivered will… Continue Reading
Video from WDIO August 27, 2007 The night before our first LDV (Let Duluth Vote) meeting WDIO television ran this video. Just click my nose in the upper right hand… Continue Reading
“A fair vote” – a student writes August 25, 2007 Today’s School Board packet of information which is sent to both School Board members and candidates for the Board contained Johnson Control’s proposal which… Continue Reading
What the DNT poll means August 25, 2007 Assuming (and any assumption based on a self selected sample of voters) that the DNT poll is a good reflection of Duluth’s voters this… Continue Reading
Would you vote for the Red Plan? August 25, 2007 Yesterday’s Duluth News Tribune did an online “poll” asking people this question: Today’s poll Would you vote for the Duluth school district’s red plan?… Continue Reading
The petition August 24, 2007 Let Duluth Vote! We, the eligible voters of Independent School District 709 (Duluth), petition Governor Pawlenty and the Dept. of Education to order a… Continue Reading
I’m cookin baby, I’m cookin August 24, 2007 There’s far to much to tell about the past few days so, just a few highlights. Let Duluth Vote met last night. I told… Continue Reading
The plight of nations August 23, 2007 This web tool artfully demonstrates demographic trends nation by nation. Continue Reading
Feedback on the petition language August 23, 2007 Here’s a portion of one email about the petition’s proposed verbiage. Harry – Just a thought – another comparison in addition to the current… Continue Reading
Tentative language for a petition August 23, 2007 I’ve sent this out to a couple dozen folks who I’m hoping will want to help circulating a petition: We, the legal voting residents… Continue Reading
The Cheerleader says Hi August 23, 2007 I got an email this morning from John Ramos, a man like myself with a few opinions, who told me he was glad to… Continue Reading
Let Duluth Vote August 22, 2007 I sent a press release to the Duluth Tribune a little before the nightly news. It announces the organizational meeting at 7PM tomorrow, Thursday… Continue Reading
Duluth Solutions Forum August 22, 2007 My friend Chris Correia, (disclosure: Chris was my campaign manager last year when I ran for Congress) has set up an Internet Forum called… Continue Reading
A call to arms – should be self explanatory August 22, 2007 An email I sent out this morning. Brenda, Its Wednesday, lets get together today even if its only for 15 minutes, just to get… Continue Reading