Possibly my last appearance on the local television news… November 30, 2017 . . . as an elected official. This was a pretty good story from KBJR on the Compensatory Education Funding and our discussion of… Continue Reading
The Esko Girl was missing November 29, 2017 There was one noteworthy absence from yesterday’s special School Board meeting to give the Western School Equity group a public hearing – the newly… Continue Reading
The new allure of Books and Bombs November 29, 2017 A few minutes ago I grabbed my gym bag and got ready to head to a pool to swim laps. Swimming a thousand yards… Continue Reading
On Being Charlie November 21, 2017 “That’s just Charlie being Charlie.” That was the rationalization Charlie Rose’s right-hand woman gave the young ladies who told her disturbing stories about their… Continue Reading
Our Little Thing – 2, Addendum November 20, 2017 It is time for me to confess that Mary Rice, the attorney hired by the district to defame Art Johnston, was right to stress… Continue Reading
My award for public service November 20, 2017 Today I received a friendly letter from the Minnesota School Board Association. It informed me that I had attained the “President’s Award” for 2017-2018…. Continue Reading
Heavenly Coincidence November 20, 2017 What will our next life teach us? That was the subject of two unrelated side by side cartoons last Saturday. I hope the copyright… Continue Reading
The Cowboys – a movie review for grandparents November 20, 2017 I’m always thinking back on movies I think will appeal to my grandsons. Beau Geste was a hit and so was John Wayne’s 1972… Continue Reading
Our little thing – 2 November 19, 2017 Last spring I learned that my daughter was applying for a position with the Duluth Schools. I quietly cringed but said nothing. There is… Continue Reading
Our little thing – 1 November 19, 2017 A quick search on Wikipedia tells me that “little” is not originally part of the Sicilian Mafia’s term for itself, “our thing” or “Cosa… Continue Reading
End of the Campaign odds’n ends November 18, 2017 I’m not yet ready to start my new life free from the School Board. The final step will be to put all the campaign… Continue Reading
The 2017 election’s good news a post mortem and a caution or two November 14, 2017 A week ago I wanted to begin a post by writing that my defeat for School Board was a small price to pay for… Continue Reading
Anticlimactic Moody Mulch meeting and a jab back at the editors of the Trib November 14, 2017 I am beginning my posts today with a throw away post about yesterday’s Business Committee meeting. I post it because I’ve tried to provide… Continue Reading
Veterans Day 2017 November 13, 2017 Since the election I’ve woken from a couple of dreams about going door to door. In much the same way I keep thinking of… Continue Reading
Oh, I am not done blogging – November 10, 2017 I’ve done a lot of thinking and had a number of things to write about among them….. uprooting lawnsigns and my keeping my bank… Continue Reading
Eternal Vigilance November 8, 2017 I have had a night to sleep on the final words of my last post: “I have no plans to comment on the Duluth… Continue Reading
Sayonara November 7, 2017 I got a very sweet phone message from Sally Trnka commending me for my service and telling me how nice it was to get… Continue Reading
Harry’s Gang November 6, 2017 I had about 1000 pieces of literature to drop on this the final day of campaigning. I fell short only dropping about 600 of… Continue Reading
Hillside Stories November 6, 2017 Three months of walking Duluth will come to an end today. Looking at the city-wide map I’ve been marking in I’d guess that amounts… Continue Reading