Taking the traitors out of the Republican Party June 30, 2020 With about 45 days to strike some sort of viral gold I’ve had a couple campaign related projects in the works. In the meantime… Continue Reading
Just maybe Trump is a racist not just a white race baiter June 30, 2020 https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/opinions/opinion–trump-may-be-a-racist-discuss/2020/06/12/a63b9a50-d7d1-460a-adf4-785e7bf61097_video.html Continue Reading
Welcome to Harry Welty’s Congressional Campaign June 29, 2020 Every few days I will put this post back at the beginning of the blog because each new post makes it fall farther from… Continue Reading
I asked in an earlier post what Pete Stauber….. June 29, 2020 …who’s wife served in our Armed Forces, thought of our President after hearing this. I am still waiting to hear if he will accept… Continue Reading
As important as it is, the survival of Democracy in America… …is not the most important issue today June 29, 2020 …is not the most important issue today! Along with 100 degree temps in Siberia vast swaths of carbon rich peat that has been melting… Continue Reading
Black voter suppression thanks to the GOP and the Supreme Court June 29, 2020 https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/photos/a.404595876219681/3385425034803402/?type=3&eid=ARCQvTWKcIoHaAH2eDoUyRXcgX-Tf11uFUy0WLim-ijBbSqKY2Hckcp1MPiZKNJnSNM-rsS–HTdsgYI&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC1N–Npf7xq0nytmCxX9cVp95aF49fWU9n2J1CBaq8L4SObbo4KLnCUe8sGqZ3Ovn-hnQWWX5u2kiCwNAOVu9M6MqwaiO-uOULNoj9JqBnK9uNCM_ICDJ60zEvYCTacqrjRSwX0HzpLNGeH_baXC66adj2Vzm6SYB8bk7yBkDisa-BZNCWj_Sy6pbf_Z0XPaJE6bjKye7PRfO-fq_jOyWz_YxCqscRWOfXBuhInTFudD4kwKf-uPea_Sly498E_hT_YRiqeJvu7E5wI7pSVpbRehykAZ5QL9HCRC-vEQDefnKSsIbTTaharhwHMoUuSa1RqzFLs47EIAsPsX7foQR8DA&__tn__=EHH-R Continue Reading
The Confederate Monuments Trump would rather have you think about June 28, 2020 The US Supreme Court’s ruling that gays can marry was simply the frosting on a cake. It demonstrated that America had almost come to… Continue Reading
Going Viral June 27, 2020 Going viral. Its going to remove Donald Trump from the presidency. I’m not sure that would have happened without corona. Impeachment, George Conway, Me;… Continue Reading
Trump’s idol, Putin, puts bounties on American troops June 26, 2020 Breaking news Congressman Stauber is married to someone who was once in the line of fire. Does Pete have any thoughts about this? Harry… Continue Reading
He will lie June 26, 2020 Pete will follow: Harry Welty will lead. Give him a hand: Donate Here Continue Reading
A campaign like no other June 26, 2020 I was squeezed into today’s DNT story about the deluge of absentee ballots that will be cast in this election. Absentee applications soar as… Continue Reading
Some White church leaders don’t think very deeply June 25, 2020 I offered my own take on this on Facebook: It was a blessing to the Romans to be able to throw Christians to the… Continue Reading
A ghost in his own party June 25, 2020 The best newspaper in northeastern Minnesota, The Timberjay, gave me a fair and balanced story two years ago. The only difference is two more… Continue Reading
Ridding the GOP of its parasites June 25, 2020 I have a few saving graces. 1. I am too lazy to tell lies because explaining them away when they are discovered takes too… Continue Reading
Harry Welty challenges Pete Stauber to debate President Trump’s fitness for office June 24, 2020 I challenge Minnesota’s 8th District Congressman, Pete Stauber to debate the following proposition: Resolved that Donald Trump is unfit to represent the Republican Party… Continue Reading
Should Andy Jackson be left seated on his bronze horse? June 23, 2020 Even in well motivated crowds some people go off the rails. Such is the case of the BLACK LIVES MATTER protests sweeping the nation…. Continue Reading
Welcome to Harry Welty’s Congressional Campaign June 23, 2020 Every few days I will put this post back at the beginning of the blog because each new post makes it fall farther from… Continue Reading
Out of tune June 22, 2020 https://www.facebook.com/thelincolnproject.us/videos/276953070088577/ Claudia just heard this playing above her blasting out from my office. She yelled up “You’re out of tune Harry!” No kidding. This… Continue Reading
Father’s Day political rouser June 21, 2020 From the first song my daughter and I sang a duet when she was 5 years old at Valley Fair. I have our recording… Continue Reading
Donald Trump’s no good very bad day June 21, 2020 And his walk back to the White House afterward Click this link to donate to Harry Welty’s campaign for Congress. Start with five dollars…. Continue Reading