Thank you Moldova September 30, 2011 With the help of Moldova I managed to break just about every statistical record for visits to my website this last month. I have… Continue Reading
An old friend is organizeing a vote “No” campaign. September 30, 2011 He sent me an email this morning and I had to tell him that I planned to vote for all levels of the operational… Continue Reading
I wonder what will replace… September 30, 2011 …death by a thousand cuts? Lucky for Duluth that the President is letting us escape No Child Left Behind. We won’t have to report… Continue Reading
The Walker Experiment vs. Democracy September 30, 2011 Of all the news in the Trib today I think this was the most important to educators. (Once again, its not on the DNT’s… Continue Reading
Material Party September 30, 2011 In light of my post whining about having been a pawn as a school board member comes this post from Sullivan. This quote perfectly… Continue Reading
God forbid that anyone criticize the School Board September 30, 2011 The objection of the previously mentioned letter writer to Loren Martell is that he criticized the School Board. “…Martell stepped up to the microphone… Continue Reading
Stealing lawnsigns September 30, 2011 I read this letter in the Trib today. I remember when one of my predecessors on the School Board told me how the writer… Continue Reading
No Child left falling between the cracks of Outcome Based Education September 30, 2011 I experienced very little “local control” when I served on the Duluth School Board except from my fellow school board members. As George Balach… Continue Reading
Just when you think utopian Christians… September 29, 2011 will never get a clue by deluding themselves that they can cure homosexuality. Others are opening their eyes and seeing that their strident call… Continue Reading
Giving peace a chance September 29, 2011 A little optimism from Steven Pinker. He’s not the first to make the argument. Having recently watched the great anti-war movie Paths of Glory… Continue Reading
While Duluth’s public school enrollment declines college enrollment grows September 29, 2011 The DNT did include a graphic from today’s newsprint story on the increase in enrollment numbers at local colleges. Its funny but when the… Continue Reading
Duluth’s school levy referendum September 29, 2011 I wish the DNT had included its little graphic that went with the newsprint version of this story today on one-third of Minnesota School… Continue Reading
Michelle Bachman wins Christian votes by lying September 29, 2011 The Story in the DNT’s paper version was more stark regarding Bachmann’s lying but its not on their website. The story in the Minneapolis… Continue Reading
Occam’s Razor meets ISD 709’s enrollment data September 28, 2011 I think I’ve made the story about the Duluth School District’s enrollment data far too complicated. Let’s simplify. The District says it arbitrarily subtracted… Continue Reading
Even when I was 20 I was embarassed by 20-something certainty September 28, 2011 Now that I’m 60 I still feel the same way. Of course 60-something certainty can be even worse. Witness the Tea Party! My Buddy… Continue Reading
More on the Floridians who endorse Herman Cain September 28, 2011 They will keep us safe. Continue Reading
The Cain Mutiny September 28, 2011 My Buddy sent me this tiny comment on Herman Cain’s winning 37% of 3,000 some straw vote from conservative activists in a state with… Continue Reading
The momentum is building September 28, 2011 An email from a hopeful to replace CCC – Congressman Chip Cravack.: Jeff Anderson for Minnesota I see the next generation of Northern Minnesota… Continue Reading
For crying out loud – Stop over-regulation 1 September 28, 2011 Don’t over-regulate the melon growers. Listen to the GOP. Get Government off the back of business. Continue Reading