Good night July 31, 2011 I’ve had a good run on the blog this month. Lots more readers than usual. I’ll keep posting on the Duluth Schools but not… Continue Reading
“once-in-a-lifetime” emails to Duluth’s school board… July 31, 2011 …asking for more Red Plan goodies with suspiciously similar verbiage: There have been about 25 of these in the past two weeks. Its a… Continue Reading
Our Constitution prevents democracy in America… July 29, 2011 …and has allowed the Marxist Obama to sneak in to snatch it away from us. That’s the gist of this World News Net Post…. Continue Reading
Turds on fire July 29, 2011 This single fire which burned for three months in 2007 (and which I never heard of) released the equivalent of the the entire Arctic’s… Continue Reading
“Middle class welfare” July 29, 2011 It was my corporate executive spouse who first described the “turd on the table” effect to me. Simply put its the really awful thing… Continue Reading
Lucky Circle Pines July 29, 2011 Our old Superintendent takes his philosophy to a new field of dreams: “Dixon said. “What I would say is all of us recognize that… Continue Reading
Republicans have redefined “conservative” July 28, 2011 From Swampland. From Dr. Strangelove Continue Reading
If there’s no deal July 28, 2011 I think McCardle has a pretty good handle on what to expect. Its not the end of the world but it doesn’t make for… Continue Reading
the latest Republican to… July 28, 2011 apologize to “entertainer” Rush Limbaugh: Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal in which he suggested that… Continue Reading
Hell freezes over July 28, 2011 No not really. It will take the Democrats and the Republicans working out a sensible federal spending/taxing plan for that to happen. My buddy… Continue Reading
To my buddy… July 28, 2011 …now that I see the error of my ways: The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on… Continue Reading
Maybe I cut the Trib too much slack… July 28, 2011 …for their honeymoon editorial. Here’s an email a friend sent me regarding it: So now the DNT believes the focus should be on students,… Continue Reading
Do Trib editors ever do the math? July 28, 2011 I only ask because their glowing endorsement of Dr. Foster has some intriguing numbers, to wit: Dr. Foster’s Illinois district had a reported 3,200… Continue Reading
No mea culpa from the Trib yet… July 28, 2011 …for its six year effort to turn a blind eye toward Red Plan related worms. But, at least they are giving the new guy… Continue Reading
One Anti Red Planner that seems to like kids July 28, 2011 Allan Wilman has written often to the Trib raking the Red Plan over the coals. Therefore, I enjoyed reading the Trib’s story about how… Continue Reading
Why doesn’t WaPo pay me instead of George Will? July 28, 2011 Probably because I never set out to be a pundit. I wanted to be a real life legislator. Writing has only become an avenue… Continue Reading
Obama is today’s Gorbachev July 27, 2011 My buddy who complains regularly that he reads “Welty” and then insists that this means Welty should read whichever pundit’s rant he points to… Continue Reading
How many Germans admitted to being Nazis after WWII? July 27, 2011 If the US Economy nosedives after Washington DC fails to blink, how many Tea Party types will admit to being in the Party? Continue Reading