Spelling Bee January 31, 2011 I was the pronouncer for the City Spelling Bee this morning. I’ve done it most years since 1997 and have done all the larger… Continue Reading
Salaries of “outstate” Superintendents January 31, 2011 The person sending me this chart also sent me charts for principals and teachers. The chart showing teacher’salries ranked ours in Duluth as the… Continue Reading
Timberjay calls for legislative fix for JCI’s villainy January 29, 2011 The Trib could learn a thing or two from the Timberjay. We’ve seen too many examples already where school boards and taxpayers have been… Continue Reading
Swimming in the Red Sea January 29, 2011 No wonder Tim Grover had Loren Martell put in handcuffs. I’m sort of amazed the streets of Duluth don’t look like the streets of… Continue Reading
Money back January 29, 2011 Yesterday as I was chipping away at my snow sculpture a fellow walked up and handed me back the refund check I’d sent him… Continue Reading
We’re number one! January 29, 2011 Today the Trib reports the startling news that contrary to our school board’s cries of impoverishment it appears we have more money per student… Continue Reading
Cutting the DNT a little slack January 28, 2011 In some ways the Trib has suffered in much the same way as the Post Red Plan Duluth School District from problems outside its… Continue Reading
13 people liked this comment – so far January 28, 2011 I’m not alone and its nice to see this comment in the Trib’s online feedback page: Elizabeth B said: On January 27, 2011 at… Continue Reading
We know nothing January 28, 2011 I strongly recommend going to the first blog post in this series and read these posts in order 1, 2, 3. Its late. My… Continue Reading
We know nothing Editorial, My 3rd response January 28, 2011 The twaddle just keeps on coming: Another fact under fire from critics is that the district did not raid teacher-salary money to help pay… Continue Reading
We know nothing Editorial, My 2nd response January 27, 2011 The middle section just prattles on taking the School District’s side: The district blames most of its deficit on economy-related factors, specifically flat per-pupil… Continue Reading
We know nothing Editorial, My 1st response January 27, 2011 Here’s the Trib’s editorial today as it first wades into the deficit question: The question gets spit out every time the Duluth school district… Continue Reading
My back is killing me January 27, 2011 After working on my Mom’s taxes I started putzing around with my snow sculpture. I had already heaped a couple mounds of snow which… Continue Reading
While you wait for my reply January 27, 2011 You can start with last night’s WDIO story. Just ask yourself which items in this list is not directly tied to the decision to… Continue Reading
There’s no such thing as a stupid question January 27, 2011 But there is such a thing as a stupid answer. The DNT Editorial Board avoids offering an answer Continue Reading
Spread the word, manure is good fertilizer January 27, 2011 Anyone wishing to draw people’s attention to this blog is encouraged to link it to facebook accounts or other blogs and Internet locales. Its… Continue Reading
At least there is one serious journalist in Northern Minnesota January 26, 2011 What’s happening north of us so reminds me of Duluth’s Red Plan which justified itself by saying we would save two million a year… Continue Reading
One good thing about Fox News January 26, 2011 David Frum surmises that by paying all the top GOP candidates big money Fox News may be holding up their announcements for presidential campaigns…. Continue Reading
My letter January 26, 2011 I spent the day returning the money sent to me in 2009 to purchase my book. I enclosed the following letter: Dear Friends, In… Continue Reading