A little more on Duluth School Board’s elections December 14, 2020 The following exposition is in reference to my most recent Reader Column Democracy on the Cheap. The editorial in the Duluth News Tribune championing… Continue Reading
Snow Purge # 1 October 27, 2017 We in northern climes often view winter as a time of purging the ills of the warmer months, disease, rot, allergens etc. And so,… Continue Reading
Estes Park August 18, 2017 Welty family reunions have most often converged on Estes Park, Colorado in a valley surrounded by foothills and the Rockies. One of my first… Continue Reading
The squeak of a rusty hinge June 6, 2016 Loren Martell’s take on our last School Board meeting. I was pleased with his capture of my extemporizing: During discussion of the Education Committee… Continue Reading
From today’s DNT coverage of the Duluth Schools December 8, 2015 It was good to see the Trib’s Education reporter back covering yesterday’s Education Committee meeting. She’s back after having recently delivered a prospective new… Continue Reading
An email today from East High teachers December 8, 2015 For now I’ll refrain from commentary: Dear School Board Member, The East building stewards are following up with a Meet and ConferĀ that took… Continue Reading
Back to Reality December 8, 2015 I’ve taken a break from regular blogging to refresh myself and to get my bearings for a soon-to-be new school board. I have explained… Continue Reading
A modest December update December 2, 2015 Better than a week ago I jotted down ten or twelve posts I wanted to write for my blog on a sheet of paper…. Continue Reading
Shhh, Mum’s the word November 11, 2015 In case any of my other eight loyal readers were wondering my Buddy sent me this question. Jeez, Harry. No comment for a week…. Continue Reading
A Congenial School Board – thoughts on election day November 3, 2015 I went out and waved lawnsigns yesterday morning. It goes against my grain to do this no matter how much of an exhibitionist I… Continue Reading
Some hard truths from a man of good will November 1, 2015 I was still smarting from having lost my first campaign for the school board in 1989 when I sculpted this out of snow. I… Continue Reading
As of yesterday Lincolndemocrat had 5,447 “unique” visitors for October October 29, 2015 That’s not a record but its close. My head is so full of stuff to blog about it could explode. Instead I’m going to… Continue Reading
You can’t fix stupid October 27, 2015 Big Dorothy’s picture prompted one wag to send a friend of mine a video of the comedian Ron White. The post was titled “You… Continue Reading
No grounds October 23, 2015 I was glad to see that Art Johnston finally replied to the last news reports about his laying aside his lawsuit against the School… Continue Reading
Mulch Conundrums October 22, 2015 The Trib has a good summary of our Mulch Meeting last night. This morning I read a short article in the NY Times that… Continue Reading
On the Rock October 21, 2015 The Trib only mentioned one item from our school board meeting last night – the sale of a small parcel of land adjacent to… Continue Reading
In the Dark October 20, 2015 We had a reasonably calm school board meeting tonight but it left me with many questions. It was nice to see David Kirby at… Continue Reading
Boop boop diddum daddum WADM Boom October 20, 2015 Art Johnston sent the local press the worrisome news that ISD 709 has suffered another significant drop in its October attendance. He’s a little… Continue Reading
More on mulch October 19, 2015 Today’s Editorial Page had a op ed about our playground mulch. A meeting is to be held at Lester Park this Wednesday at 6:30PM… Continue Reading
A turkey – the third day in a row with over 1,100 visitors October 15, 2015 So a little more on the campaign front to keep folks interested. I spent yesterday morning finishing up the last few homes on Park… Continue Reading