Damning Letters-to-the-Editor August 29, 2008 In addition to the headline Dr. Dixon could not have liked reading two letters to the editor in the paper today: Marcia concluded: And… Continue Reading
Bad day for the Red Plan August 29, 2008 The Attorney General’s ruling is bad news for anyone wanting to block Duluth Voters. Dr. Dixon has once again assured he’s willing to listen… Continue Reading
What Dr. Dixon is saying August 28, 2008 A friend heard Dr. Dixon on radio this morning. He is busy doing damage control in the wake of the AG’s opinion. This is… Continue Reading
The Board’s fallible lawyers August 28, 2008 The School Board tells us that their lawyers have confirmed the novel interpretation of the law which permits them to build the Red Plan… Continue Reading
THE PETITION IS VALID!!!!!! August 28, 2008 Drum-roll Please! The Minnesota Attorney General has ruled that the second petition gathered by Let Duluth Vote is valid. There will be a referendum… Continue Reading
The Ruskie’s started it August 27, 2008 I was wrong. The Russians started it. “Yes,†he said. “Absolutely. We’ve been trying to tell the world about this for months. If you… Continue Reading
A small irony August 27, 2008 In the Walk Down Memory Lane post I linked to an old column I wrote called “Liar liar pants on fire.” It was about… Continue Reading
A good question August 27, 2008 Karen asked me this question this morning. I gave her a long tortured theoretical explanation. She scratched her head then asked me again. You… Continue Reading
Walk down memory lane August 27, 2008 As I was poking around for documents from the 2001 era referred to in the post about our disingenuous School District website. I found… Continue Reading
The disingenuous District Website August 27, 2008 This information from the School District’s webpage explaining the need for the levy is woefully incomplete: “Does the school district get most of its… Continue Reading
My latest Not Eudora Column August 26, 2008 “My name is Reinert…Thank you” It begins: “Next to cluelessness, arrogance is about the last thing Duluth taxpayers can afford in a state legislator…. Continue Reading
Actual Ballot wording August 26, 2008 This will take you to the District’s information about the operational levy. The following is the wording of the levy. SCHOOL DISTRICT BALLOT QUESTION… Continue Reading
The bonafides of the Wheeler Critic August 25, 2008 I had no idea whether the fellow criticising the Wheeler site for being on a granite hillside knew what he was talking about. Seems… Continue Reading
The suspicious public – The sneaky Board August 25, 2008 I’ve been inundated with email from people asking me the same question I’ve been getting from folks on the street. Is the School Board… Continue Reading
Stenerson vs Reinert on Red Plan August 24, 2008 Marsh Stenerson hasn’t given Let Duluth Vote an absolute iron clad agreement to reintroduce the Jaros bill but darned near. Continue Reading
Reinert says School Board aduquate even if Red Plan make referndum faily and emiminate schools August 24, 2008 Roger Reinert, who is thin skinned about the spelling of his own name shows he doesn’t much care how you spell anything else out… Continue Reading
Wheeler Middle School disaster in the making? August 24, 2008 This recent letter to the School Board sounds pretty important. I doubt that they will pay any attention to it. It begins: Dear School… Continue Reading
JCI’s guarantee August 24, 2008 A friend sent me this text from the JCI website I’ve inserted a couple comments in the brackets []: Better surroundings mean better educational… Continue Reading