My thoughts this inauguration day: January 20, 2021 First, I put up the American flag. Then Baby Yoda switched signs. Continue Reading
While Trump tries to renew his greatest hit “birtherism” on Kamala Harris… August 14, 2020 I have a few thoughts: Donald Trump is in a panicked attempt to save himself from defeat by any means necessary. He has a… Continue Reading
Just another day on the job April 8, 2020 Just another day on the job for President Trump. Meanwhile Bernie drops out. I have a brother-in-law who will be steamed. He keeps sending… Continue Reading
30 minutes of damn good debate July 30, 2019 CNN’s presidential debate is the best I have ever heard in my life. Honest differences, firey ripostes, common sense vs high ideals either of… Continue Reading
“I don’t belong to any organized political party….. August 2, 2018 …I’m a Democrat!” Will Rogers Continue Reading
Taking a pin to my pompous balloon April 23, 2016 Yeah, this email reaction to my white lie post from a sympathizer just about sums it up: “Harry, except for talking too much, you… Continue Reading
Pew August 29, 2012 In researching think tanks I noted that the PEW research center wasn’t on one list. I wanted to know if it counted as a… Continue Reading
This is one of the Reasons the RINOs were hounded out of the GOP March 23, 2012 To prevent them, our Senator David Durenberger and a host of others included, from introducing a law like the one President Obama got passed…. Continue Reading
He’s coming out from behind the teleprompter… February 28, 2012 …and looking for a fight. Continue Reading
Who’s Wagging the Dog February 20, 2012 Electoral Wasteland – Where the most unreasonable hair at the tip of the tail can wag the GOP dog: So far, three million voters… Continue Reading
Pt.2- Obama is the worst Democrat ever… September 16, 2011 …but the Republican Party today is even worse: Apropos the last post on Jason Johnson’s angry unhappiness about voting for Obama is this assessment… Continue Reading
One more reason for the GOP to burn Gingrich May 19, 2011 I just saw this ad. It is as stupid as the Right Wing ideology it condemns. Its appallingly simplistic. I laughed like heck at… Continue Reading
Our man in the minority? November 2, 2010 The DFL in Duluth just elected the eminently reasonable Roger Reinert to the State Senate where he may find himself in the minority among… Continue Reading
Im Palin April 12, 2010 A good not so tongue-in-cheek assessment of the GOP’s porcine lipsticked one. One blogger I ran across who has been interviewing young GOP activists… Continue Reading
Health Reform – taking on all comers March 22, 2010 I’m glad Obamacare has passed. Its hideous, of course, but it reminds me of Churchill’s comment about democracy: That its the worst possible form… Continue Reading
Two of many reasons I root for Obama March 17, 2010 First: His plans to regulate and limit “predatory lending.” The focus of this column, also from Newsweek, is the banks two of which lent… Continue Reading
Paying attention to the new Chairman January 15, 2007 Right after his reelection I got far more google alerts about breaking news on Jim Oberstar than before. That’s because he was likely to become and… Continue Reading