I am a nerf axe wielding lego viking October 31, 2016 I’d meet one of our Presidential candidates out behind the gym any day. I’d force feed him all my left over Haloween candy. Continue Reading
Why Trump stay’s afloat and Early voting October 31, 2016 From my buddy to me – An anaylsis of the voters by Sam Wang of the New York Times: For now, we are stuck… Continue Reading
Trust my judgement. Seriously. As I descend to complete silliness October 29, 2016 I have one more week to put my Grandfather’s docs together before I travel to Missouri and Kansas to once again help honor is… Continue Reading
Felicitious speechifying October 29, 2016 Occasionally in a blog post I will comment about a “fifty cent” word I’ve used. I used the word “infelicitious” at our last school… Continue Reading
Many Rivers Montessori is invited to speak… October 27, 2016 …at the Duluth School Board’s next Business Committee Meeting. Here is an email from Alanna Oswald to Many Rivers alerting them to the invitation:… Continue Reading
Two good bits of news for ISD 709 October 27, 2016 Firstly, there was a nice front page story about the expansion of Pre K funding in our schools. This has been one of the… Continue Reading
Bullying – a two way street? October 27, 2016 In response to my post about Mr. French who has received hostile (to put it mildly) messages from what he characterizes as “Alt Right”… Continue Reading
Topeka homecoming October 25, 2016 In 2002 I visited my old Topeka home with my Mother just as Alzheimers was beginning to intrude into her life. I asked her… Continue Reading
Thieves in the night October 25, 2016 So, funny story. My last post from Friday night about that sign I painted and how I had a good night’s sleep after sticking… Continue Reading
A nasty woman let me put this sign up in my front yard October 21, 2016 And I’ll sleep better knowing its there. Continue Reading
1860 redux? October 19, 2016 I just watched the final 2016 presidential debate. It’s worth noting that the last time a nation didn’t except the results of a presidential… Continue Reading
Not so piddling October 19, 2016 How could I forget this? On top of the Jack Moon Scholarship switcheroo that has made me peavish I just heard that the counselors… Continue Reading
PIDDLINGS 10-19-2016 October 19, 2016 Sometimes I get traditional good night sleeps despite the horror of this dyspeptic election year. Not so yesterday. I crawled back into bed about… Continue Reading
Vote Trump and save us from the liberal apocalypse October 16, 2016 My Buddy prefers to send me Op Ed pieces that challenge my point of view rather than make his own arguments. That leaves me… Continue Reading
Fascism lite? October 13, 2016 Donald Trump is not a Jew hating Adolph Hitler and the United states in 2016 is not the desperate post-war Weimar Republic still reeling… Continue Reading
Loren Martell explains all…..thank goodness! October 13, 2016 I told you Loren was having a hard time giving up his watch of the Duluth School Board. He’s back this week with a… Continue Reading
The latest on the Timberjay October 13, 2016 A friend from Northern Minnesota sent me a link to the Timberjay Newspaper’s story about the court decision likely to be handed down on… Continue Reading
I am voting for Dylan October 13, 2016 No, I’m not talking about local Duluth Boy, Bob, now of Nobel Prize fame. I’m talking about Dylan Raddant the Republican candidate challenging DFL… Continue Reading
Where my Grandfather shed his blood in the fight to save Democracy October 12, 2016 I set this painting easle up to display the 1938 US Battle Monuments Commission map of the sector where my Grandfather earned his Congressional… Continue Reading
More Fox balance October 12, 2016 My Brother looks at Fox News just to monitor how unbalanced it is. He tells me it is overloaded with anti-Hillary news while anti-Trump… Continue Reading