Halloween Robbery October 31, 2007 As I headed to pick up some last minutes leaflets, late this afternoon I paused to mail a letter to a fellow who doesn’t… Continue Reading
The Reader endorsement October 31, 2007 I called the Reader to put in an ad for Gary and me. When the publisher dropped by to pick up the check he… Continue Reading
The DFL calling and a 56% tax hike October 31, 2007 I was listening in on the Brad Bennet show this morning. Brad and I have had our ups and downs but we see eye… Continue Reading
Inflation misinformation October 25, 2007 This will be brief. I’ve got more of Lakeside to leaflet today. I’m about 75% done with the 2nd District. I’ve heard it argued… Continue Reading
Your’s truly You tubed October 23, 2007 Last week I explained on PACT television why I was running for the school Board.. Today the video is on You Tube. Continue Reading
More On JCI’s political largesse October 22, 2007 This story makes it even clearer how much JCI ponied up to buy a Wisconsin Governor. They tried to buy two of them. Key… Continue Reading
How to stop the Red Plan October 22, 2007 Last weeks WDIO story makes it clear. Watch it. The video is in the upper right hand corner. Continue Reading
One minute videos October 22, 2007 The Duluth News Trib has recorded one minute videos of both Judy Seliga Punyko and me. Take a look. It must have been bright…. Continue Reading
JCI is a heavy hitter next door October 22, 2007 This website that monitors political money in Wisconsin shows just how much JCI can bring to bear in politics. They were the second biggest… Continue Reading
A day brightener October 22, 2007 Vic sent me two posts from Duluth’s Citizen Blog that I rarely have time to monitor. Its punch and counter punch and one of… Continue Reading
Hey Dave…better late than never October 19, 2007 I just discovered a response to an earlier post. Dave wrote with a couple good questions. If you’d like to read his comments and… Continue Reading
Trib takes step back from Red Plan October 19, 2007 Until today Robin Washington, the DNT’s Editorial Editor, had given his qualified approval to the District’s Red Plan. I sent him the page of… Continue Reading
Bell & Ness Support Referendum October 18, 2007 I already knew that Don Ness supported having a referendum on the Red Plan. Goodness knows the City’s liability for retiree health care is… Continue Reading
The District still has some explaining to do October 18, 2007 The Superintendent and his apparent Siamese Twin, Johnson Controls, went down to the Minnesota Department of Education yesterday to give a little more detail… Continue Reading
DFT begins “innuendo” campaign October 18, 2007 The Duluth Federation of Teacher’s Press Release gave us a classic story in today’s Trib. According to my old pal and nemesis, Frank Wanner,… Continue Reading
New Testimony for the State Ed. Dept. October 18, 2007 I am not the only one sending in new testimony to the MDE (Minnesota Dept of Education) I haven’t read anyone else’s testimony but… Continue Reading
Johnson Controls Gravy Train October 16, 2007 Its been claimed that all JCI will get out of the Red Plan is 2%. The real compensation for JCI is listed in its… Continue Reading
The Myth of poorly maintained schools October 16, 2007 This page on the Let Duluth Vote website deals with the myth of ancient schools and their poor maintenence. Continue Reading
How much will the Red Plan save? October 16, 2007 This page in the Let Duluth Vote website shows how little information the State has been provided on the theoretical savings of the Red… Continue Reading
State postpones Red Plan Ruling October 15, 2007 In a big set back the State postponed making a ruling on the Red Plan. Superintendent Dixon was quick to dismiss the idea that… Continue Reading