NEWS I’M READING 5/22/2020

My Opinion: Perhaps the most consequential result of Trump’s presidency has been to put the stark differences between America and China under a microscope. China is a remarkable and admirable country in countless respects but it is ruled by a mafia of Mao’s making. It’s making totalitarianism and modern High tech work and using it to turn Hong Kongers, Tibetans and Uighurs in in the Silk Highway’s western Xinjiang Province all into Han Chinese. Rather like the way America took Indian children away from their families to turn them into Americans. So, we may a little internal reflecting to do ourselves but Trump’s double-edged sword of competition between our nations has ignited and jump started a contest that was probably inevitable. Its legacy will long outlast the corona virus.
NYTimes: Hong Kong Protesters Surprised by China’s Security Law

NYTimes: As Tara Reade’s Expert Witness Credentials Are Questioned, So Are Verdicts

Think of this the next time you hear Trump’s poem about a snake. It explains a lot about his success.
NYTimes: Eat Rat, Make New Body: Easy Stuff for Pythons

Trump Administration To Planned Parenthood: Return Coronavirus Relief Funds : NPR

Betsy DeVos Reroutes Coronavirus Money To Private School Students : Coronavirus Live Updates : NPR

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