King pus grovels in China June 20, 2020 Like Scrooge, I woke up to a Marley dragging chains and locks into my dreams tonight. I came back from a mask wearing family… Continue Reading
Proud of my family marching against the Apocalypse June 20, 2020 I just woke up a little after midnight. Indigestion like Scrooge’s bit of undigested potato afflicted me as did an image I’ll mention in… Continue Reading
Welty Campaign Central June 19, 2020 No one in Minnesota has been more critical of the fraud who became President of the United States earlier or more often or more… Continue Reading
Juneteenth June 19, 2020 Donald Trump is now telling folks that thanks to him Americans are finally learning about Juneteenth: Trump, who has few African-American advisers in the… Continue Reading
“Arbitrary and Capricious” June 18, 2020 Donald Trump has handed himself another defeat in his slipshod Presidency. The Supreme Court just overruled his elimination of President Obama’s DACA policies allowing… Continue Reading
Cops June 17, 2020 Last night I missed a call from a TV reporter. He had just read Scott Brady’s story in the Duluth News Tribune about the… Continue Reading
Oh yeah, my campaign June 16, 2020 My writing has taken a backseat for the last week. Its partly having my eyes glazed over as I complete the last third of… Continue Reading
Nature keeps breaking into my garden June 16, 2020 Here is the little gnome that is waiting for my strawberries. I’m trying to fence him out: And he’s not alone. Some vicious geranium… Continue Reading
Stars Bars and the KKK June 16, 2020 I won’t vouch for the accuracy of this Facebook found story of the Confederacy’s flag but I suspect its true. In any event, in… Continue Reading
How to use this blog for oppo research on Harry Welty June 15, 2020 This is a cheat. I need to write my book and I get stalled too easily by a pile of unsorted paperwork on my… Continue Reading
S asks me to explain some puzzling US History June 14, 2020 After I sent S. the close up photo of my Lincoln tie S was troubled by the strange fact that Republican Abe Lincoln should… Continue Reading
Tied Down June 13, 2020 On my new campaign website I have a rotating group of images. My French Pen pal S. has sharp eyes. S clipped out one… Continue Reading
I swear this oath—America will be! June 13, 2020 Tonight I watched Spike Lee’s latest movie Da 5 Bloods. I’m glad I saw it. There wasn’t much I learned from the movie but… Continue Reading
OK, I got a start on my new campaign webpage June 12, 2020 I’m about to contract with some real campaign consultants to start a donation page that will allow me to fill out information for the… Continue Reading
Welty Campaign Central June 12, 2020 No one in Minnesota has been more critical of the fraud who became President of the United States earlier or more often or more… Continue Reading
Good Republicans Show Lindsey Graham talking out of both sides of his mouth. June 12, 2020 Continue Reading
Posthumous Justice for black Americans June 12, 2020 This is a story about Duluth and Minnesota when it bent over backward to prove an innocent man guilty of murder to mask the… Continue Reading
Keeping taxpayer gifts to corporations secret. Thank you Mr. President. June 12, 2020 Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress on Wednesday that the Trump administration will never reveal the companies which received loans through the Paycheck Protection… Continue Reading