Welty Campaign Central

No one in Minnesota has been more critical of the fraud who became President of the United States earlier or more often or more passionately than the author of this 12-year-old blog dedicated to the genius, patriotism and martyr to Democracy, Abraham Lincoln. No Republican in Congress dares to publicly admit that Donald Trump is little more than a crude, chaos sowing, demagogue who bullied his way several levels above his proper place in the Peter Principle. The memory of Lincoln demands a Republican congressman who will bring honor to the Party of Lincoln once again.

Harry is recording short video summaries of questions voters might be interested in. This will take you to a minute long explanation of why he’s running.

Who knows, this blog might become more accessible than the three million dollars worth of Advertising Congressman Stauber’s campaign can count on from mystery donors. Every public appearance by President Trump in the time of Cornonvirus ought to shift votes Harry’s way. And Harry reminds Minnesotans that any registered resident of the 8th District can vote for him in August’s Republican Primary. That includes Democrats who once crossed over to vote for Republican Governor Arne Carlson and saw to it that he would be on the general election ballot instead of a rabid right-winger. That was 1994. Let’s do it again!

Feel free to submit your own question to Harry at harrywelty@charter.net . In the meantime Harry has anticipated some of them and offers mostly short answers here:

1. Shouldn’t you be giving President Trump more credit or at least deference than you have?

2. How will the Coronavirus Emergency affect the Future?

3. Are you a baby killer? (WARNING: Harry makes no attempt on the question to address it in a skimpy two minutes)

4. Does the US owe any other country help?

5. This is experiment in teleprompters. Its a four-minutes reading of a post about: Miscellany. https://youtu.be/OjWpE5eoRUY

6. If you were to win what would be your primary goal?

7. Politics of Israel

Also check out Harry’s antique twenty-year-old webpage WWW.snowbizz.com, which includes old columns from the Duluth Reader as well as the Readers’s webpage which offers newer Welty Columns.

Harry is furiously writing a book to send supporters. He’s not asking for campaign funds because that would require his one man campaign to take on attorneys familiar with complicated federal campaign laws that Donald Trump and Republicans manage to ignore or make irrelevant with billions of dark money from their secret corporate contributors. Instead he’s asking people to plunk down at least twenty dollars for a book he will send them that distills the 15 million words from this blog down into a single manageable book. Don’t bother to read it if you would like to see a scrappy but thoughtful non Trumplican attempt to remind America that the GOP used to be the Party of Lincoln before it decided it was the God’s Own Party…….for rapturists, prosperity gospelists and segregationists from Don Jones University who think Donald Trumps many crimes make him the reincarnation of King David. NOTE: The button below still says these funds are contributions for his old School Board campaign. Not true. Its is just for tax reportable income Harry will use to bedevil a Trumplican who wants to let Donald Trump have another four more years to undo the work of our founding fathers and Abraham Lincoln.

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