This is a cheat. I need to write my book and I get stalled too easily by a pile of unsorted paperwork on my desk/desks and other tasks like tending to my strawberries to prevent the chipmonks from stealing them all or building websites and figuring out how to do tech stuff……. entering data about campaign donors onto the Federal Election Commission’s site.
But as I have said for the last mostly blog infested decade I really want to write a book. And since so much of it is about my family’s peripheral view of a matter consuming the nation right now, black lives mattering, I feel an extra obligation to add my 2 cents to the national white dialogue. Think of it as my baseball bat to protect the preamble to the Declaration of Independence and not Christopher Columbus statues. We ain’t there yet.
So as a cheat despite dozens of alluring but mendacious news stories to distract me let me suggest how those people wishing to discredit me can go about doing so to save Pete Stauber from me.
Use my blog’s search engine. Here I’ll show you how type something of interest to you in it to see if I’ve ever written about it..
“Ice cream” Ooh, eleven posts:
“Frank Sinatra” Aww. Only one:
“infidelity” Hmm: Two:
“John Stuart Curry” Just one (But I suspect there could be more depending on how I spelled it):
“Al Quie” Just one but be careful! To check I typed in “Quie” and got 149 blog posts. It was counting words like QUIEt.
Insert your own words and see what you find.