Oh yeah, my campaign

My writing has taken a backseat for the last week. Its partly having my eyes glazed over as I complete the last third of the project. Its partly the debris I mentioned in an earlier post. Its partly the corona virus quarantine and cabin fever. And its partly wonderful weather. I’ve been exercising by kicking my hackysack around solo. Its good exercise but I can tell my equilibrium isn’t what it used to be. Still, I’m closing in on 30 successive kicks at a time before the sack lands on the ground.

But the campaign keeps calling me. I’ve told S. that I have to cut back on our texting until after the primary when by all rights I should be defeated. But I’m in the process of setting up a donation page for contributions. Its something I’ve avoided until now. However I found a group who will help me account for fundraising to keep the toothless FEC from dunning me for mistakes.

I have gotten three requests for candidate answers to questionnaires. The League of Woman voters sent me three of them for an Internet site with a heavy emphasis on how to handle the corona virus. I also have a zoom interview with the public employees unin AFSCME. I always enjoy union screening committees even though after perhaps thirty such screenings in my career I have yet to win their endorsement which is sort of a testimonial to my independence. I know I won’t get theirs but I’ll be cordial. I had intended to print out one of my old Not Eudora columns to show them that I will treat the Republican Party just like I have treated them. I think my record of of being honest instead of sticking my finger in the air to test the wind could get the title of Spike Lee’s signature movie: “Do the Right Thing,”

Here is the column I would have handed out tonight had I been able to see the screeners in person. I will try to remember to tell them to check out my blog during my interview. The column was titled AFSCME’s Christmas Gift.

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