Why we need identity cards to vote in Minnesota elections March 11, 2012 “The situation in the Fatherland is like a dog with worms. You bring the dog to the Reich-stag to be dewormed, but the vet… Continue Reading
My book begins and bon voyage March 10, 2012 I just wrote that I’d gotten so distracted that I’d forgotten how I started my book three weeks ago. At the time, I was… Continue Reading
A Meditation March 10, 2012 I went to bed wide awake and that never works. As I lay too caffeinated to sleep it occurred to me what I had… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day – last one for a while March 10, 2012 Some readers may have noticed that I’ve been choosing words or phrases for the word search that relate to some thought or post for… Continue Reading
I dare you to tell me our politics is better today… March 10, 2012 …for our political partys’ ideological purity. Over the last three decades, liberals have been banished from the G.O.P., while Democrats who vote regularly with… Continue Reading
Almanac March 10, 2012 The three announced DFL candidates who wish to challenge Chip Cravaack were on the Public Television show Almanac to make their pitches tonight. It’ll… Continue Reading
The man who Reagan took to the woodshed for telling the truth… March 9, 2012 …is still telling it. David Stockman Q&A from USA Today: Q: And what are the consequences of that? A: The consequences are horrendous. If… Continue Reading
There will be a DFL primary in the 8th District March 9, 2012 Hooray! Three candidates at least. Four if I file: Former Congressman Rick Nolan had 1,566 votes in the Feb. 7 caucus. Jeff Anderson had… Continue Reading
What does it take to go viral? March 9, 2012 Apparently a Grand Rapids restaurant review of the local Olive Garden just picked up a quarter million views. What’s so funny about that? I… Continue Reading
How long will the Duluth News Tribune ignore the Eighth District’s 4th DFL congressional candidate… March 9, 2012 …just because he chooses to announce his candidacy in his blog rather than in a news release? I’m not very nice to the Duluth… Continue Reading
Welty4Congress.com is finally presentable… March 9, 2012 …if not without blemishes. Welty4Congress.com Continue Reading
A lot of Republicans stress that Rush has apologized but isn’t getting credit for it. March 8, 2012 Continue Reading
I’m rather pleased with this web page… March 8, 2012 …that I just updated. I think it explains how my improbable campaign might proceed to become potent. Continue Reading
Webbin it March 8, 2012 Predictably I couldn’t let a half baked website languish. I was up by 4am and began learning how my updated but still ancient website… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day March 8, 2012 Asinine spelled correctly. Assinine spelled incorrectly (although there is a certain logic to it) Continue Reading
Waiting for my website March 7, 2012 I missed two appointments to donate my usual pint of blood this morning. I slept through the 7:50 appointment because after waking up and… Continue Reading
Rush Limbo March 7, 2012 Here’s a more salutary commentary on the Rush dust up. Liberal yaps take a deserved beating. We live in an age where anything seems… Continue Reading
The Bum Rush March 7, 2012 My Buddy sent me this secondary riposte on Rush Limbaugh’s Juvenile name calling. Its fairly dispassionate and I don’t disagree with it. People have… Continue Reading
But we have such wonderful new schools March 7, 2012 More on the Red Ink Plan: Some of the district’s proposed cuts include: Going from seven periods to six at the middle schools, saving… Continue Reading