
The three announced DFL candidates who wish to challenge Chip Cravaack were on the Public Television show Almanac to make their pitches tonight. It’ll be up on their website in an hour.

There’s nothing very persuasive a candidate can say in a field of three over ten minutes. Tarryl Clark was put on the defensive over her plan to run in the primary regardless of the outcome of the convention endorsement. Rick Nolan temporized about how except for some rare circumstances (Oberstar perhaps) endorsements were an important part of the Democratic Party’s organization. Jeff Anderson hid behind Tarryl Clark skirt and said if one person was going to ignore the endorsement he’d have to consider doing the same. Which meant of course that he would run without the endorsement if necessary.

Congressmen Chip Cravaack will get to sit on the Almanac hot seat all by his lonesome next Friday.

Its a nice studio. I got to sit in on the Congressional debate in 2006 when I ran against Oberstar and former Senator Rod Grams.

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