Prologue to my statement on abortion June 19, 2018 Take a look at this picture on the front of Congressional candidate Pete Stauber’s campaign website. The tall fellow on Pete’s right is the… Continue Reading
THE DISCUSSION THAT, BECAUSE IT NEVER TOOK PLACE, DROVE AMERICA TO EXTREMES June 17, 2018 I am honored to have gotten this email today. I got it appropriately on Father’s Day when my daughter and grandsons were making a… Continue Reading
An Open Letter to MCCL (and why even the Supreme Court will not end abortions) June 14, 2018 A short note before I share the letter. I was alive when “back alley” abortions took the lives of women. I formed my opinions… Continue Reading
Chopsticks December 11, 2017 Yesterday I completed my 67th orbit of the Sun. We took our grandsons to hunt down a suitable Christmas tree outside of town along… Continue Reading
And my friend sent me this story as well. And if anyone wonders…. September 5, 2017 …I would absolutely join the union rather than simply pay “fair share.” On the other hand I can understand how the teacher’s union… Continue Reading
Aborting the €™’s March 4, 2017 I did it. If you put the nonsense symbols, €™, into my search function only three posts pop up – uh, four now including… Continue Reading
On our new “Pro life” President November 23, 2016 Yesterday I was particularly interested in this letter to Dear Abby from a mother who is distraught to have learned, during a heated Trump/Clinton… Continue Reading
Pick your abomination November 15, 2016 I mentioned in my speech to the VFW on Veterans Day that I had just stopped briefly at the Brown V Board of Education… Continue Reading
My Buddy quibbles with the last post October 5, 2016 From: “Your Buddy” To: “Harry Welty” Sent: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 11:04:59 -0500 Subject: Uncategorized | | Who holds what? Harry: From… Continue Reading
Abortion again August 18, 2016 I feel strongly that the issue of Abortion has been dealt with damnably in American politics for most of my life. I have never… Continue Reading
Ten years after my speech… August 13, 2013 …I was still stubbornly attending Republican activities. I did however, have the chance to vent a little as I did on Apr 21st. 2002,… Continue Reading
ND Republicans demand… April 18, 2013 …that these children be born with their recent legislation. But they are too stingy with tax dollars to pay for their medical care. That’s… Continue Reading
North Dakota’s blankety blank Republicans March 26, 2013 North Dakota’s GOP has taken the lead on fighting abortion having made it illegal from six weeks after conception. That’s one part of their… Continue Reading
The chickens are coming home to roost… January 23, 2013 …and leave a lot of droppings in the GOP’s coup. I find it ironic that the GOP which in the Reagan years once vilified… Continue Reading
When reason is strangled… August 30, 2012 …the only reply is outraged farce: Sorry, its too much for me to actually put on my blog. I know some rape victims. I… Continue Reading
There are 150 Todd Akins in Congress… August 22, 2012 …who think the only legitimate rapes are “forcible” rapes. Continue Reading
The Republican Party and God’s abortions August 20, 2012 Apparently the GOP’s US Senate candidate for Missouri, Congressman Todd Akin, has explained that women’s bodies somehow expel pregnancies caused by real honest to… Continue Reading
Bill Gates has one smart wife May 14, 2012 From the Daily Beast: Gates believes that by focusing on the lives of women and children, and by making it clear that the agenda… Continue Reading
Nebraska GOP majority sides against fetuses… April 19, 2012 …to fight illegal immigration. I missed going on the Internet at all yesterday I was so busy. I had a couple things I wanted… Continue Reading