No Republicans in Duluth’s legislative future September 26, 2012 Get ready for Representative Simonson……a great employee “He will be missed as our union president.” and daughter abandoner. Its only fair. The State Supreme… Continue Reading
The Courts….Simonson and the DFL’s only hope September 14, 2012 I was helping my Church’s mens’ group over at the Seafarer’s Center scraping and painting windows when I unwittingly splashed my head with white… Continue Reading
Minnesota Voter ID pros September 13, 2012 From the amendment’s sponsor Mary Kiffmeyer. She’s persuasive. I resisted looking at this for a couple days thinking it would be a long written… Continue Reading
Western Duluth may soon elect its first Republican legislator in 40 years. September 8, 2012 At this point I’d put money on Travis. I like Julene Boe and her last name is easier to spell. I would have voted… Continue Reading
After the Democratic Party’s opening convention night…. September 5, 2012 …there is no way the local DFL could nominate Assistant Fire Chief Simonson to replace Kerry Gauthier in good conscience: Erik Simonson’s mother, Beatrice… Continue Reading
Openly gay August 28, 2012 Until I read this Star Trib story about the Duluth that is no longer your grandparent’s Duluth (I’m a grandparent!) I had never read… Continue Reading
Silver is tarnished August 24, 2012 I just watched Almanac North and have concluded that the Assistant Fire Chief Simonson has a chance. Travis Silver is a nice tongue tied-young… Continue Reading
Can the GOP take West Duluth? and a reminiscence August 22, 2012 I think so if two serious challengers run write-in campaigns in Kerry Gauthier’s district. I don’t know how many “conservative” votes there are in… Continue Reading
The Iron Drainge August 16, 2012 My Buddy sent me this story about the shrinking heft of the Iron Range for the 8th Congressional District. When Tony Sertich graduated from… Continue Reading
Unendorsed Dayton supports Endorsed Nolan July 31, 2012 I enjoy the irony of this. Mark Dayton who got elected Governor without the DFL endorsement is supporting the Eighth District DFL Congressional candidate… Continue Reading
a Republican political honor killing December 17, 2011 I wouldn’t likely have commented on the surprise resignation of the Minnesota Senate’s Majority leader, Amy Koch, had it not been for the four… Continue Reading
Oh yeah, I forgot today’s bygones in the Trib December 1, 2011 This was the result of the “Minnesota Miracle” during which both Republicans and Democrats decided to put far more burden on income taxes to… Continue Reading
More on that Vikings stadium October 11, 2011 The The Ramsey County Charter member I quoted a bit ago has just had an interview with KSTP television. Beforehand he sent this explanation… Continue Reading
No referendum for the Vike’s stadium October 11, 2011 I’ve been exchanging email with a member of the Ramsey County Charter Commission who has followed the theft of the voter’s right to vote… Continue Reading
Good luck… September 23, 2011 …figuring out how this will affect your property taxes. It comes from Minnesota Public Radio. The DNT reported a while back that losing the… Continue Reading
About that law in an omnibus law… August 21, 2011 …that no one knew about which made it impossible to track Excelsior Energy’s use of public money. Well the DNT wrote about a similar… Continue Reading
Millionaires July 14, 2011 Mark Dayton won public office by saying he wanted to raise the taxes on millionaires. Granted, he only won a plurality of the vote… Continue Reading
Mischaracterizing the Republican side July 1, 2011 My wife and I heard the “breaking news” on WDIO last night explaining that the shutdown was upon us. We both scoffed at the… Continue Reading
Not a farmer May 10, 2011 My better half raised her eyebrows over the GOP’s redistricting proposal thinking it grossly partisan. Of course, its always partisan. It just so happens… Continue Reading