The Courts….Simonson and the DFL’s only hope

I was helping my Church’s mens’ group over at the Seafarer’s Center scraping and painting windows when I unwittingly splashed my head with white paint. I had to suffer the indignity of having the staff wash my head in a sink. On my way to the clean up I saw my old friend Mike Jaros in the hallway and we exchanged pleasantries.

Once I was dripping with water instead of latex we chatted a bit. We both agreed that unless candidate Simonson can get his name on the ballot west Duluth would get its first Republican legislator since Mike defeated Dwight Swanstrom in 1972 (or thereabouts).

I think there is precedent for this. In 1990 one of my heroes Arne Carlson became the GOP nominee for Governor after the disgraced nominee of the religious right, Jon Grunseth, was discovered to have chased his daughter’s girlfriend around his pool trying to rip her swimsuit top off.

Before the Courts or the Secretary of State intervened folks like me were busy trying to distribute stickers with Carlson’s name on it so mispelled write-in votes wouldn’t be thrown out. I asked Mike if he recalled whether Carlson’s name was printed on the ballot or whether the stickers had been used. Mike thought Arne got on the ballot.

Those rascally activist judges can’t be trusted. One of them just threw out Governor Walker’s law outlawing collective bargaining for Wisconsin’s state employees. Maybe Simonson and the DFL will get lucky and land such a judge.

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