After the Civil War 2 – “Little Billy Gronseth from Morgan Park” September 18, 2013 That’s how Superintendent Gronseth described himself to me when he introduced himself to me after the last School Board meeting. He was puzzled and… Continue Reading
My frame of mind…. September 17, 2013 …is very satisfied. I alarmed my sole volunteer and generalissimo Liam, by telling him I didn’t really care whether I was elected. Been there… Continue Reading
Honest Abe 3 September 17, 2013 This is why the old School Board will live in infamy until today’s Duluthians go to their graves. I wasn’t the only one clipping… Continue Reading
Honest Abe 2 September 17, 2013 Following my last post my old ally asks new questions: I wonder if based on what Reinert said in the DNT if 709 might… Continue Reading
An old friend and ally challenges my claims September 16, 2013 In an email titled “Honest Abe” a good friend asks me a fair question. Harry, I know you are citing 50 students in a… Continue Reading
Civil Rights and Equitable Education in Duluth September 16, 2013 I was recently sent a request for information regarding my attitude about some ticklish issues facing the Duluth Schools. I relished a chance to… Continue Reading
I’m not pissed anymore September 16, 2013 After thinking about it for four days I’ve decided to tone down my last major appeal to the voters. I just replaced it on… Continue Reading
Coding is cool September 16, 2013 Paypal is easier than ever. This is the third or fourth time I’ve attempted to install a button that would let me raise money… Continue Reading
Donate online!!!!! September 15, 2013 My campaign is not prepared to accept online donations. Hooray! Continue Reading
HARRY WELTY… September 15, 2013 …An idiot candidate for the Duluth School Board. Read it. Continue Reading
Putting up lawnsigns in Piedmont September 14, 2013 I put up ten lawnsigns in Piedmont in about as many minutes. It was easy as Pie however I also spent a couple hours… Continue Reading
ISD 709 should be scared s***less September 11, 2013 This story will probably appear in tomorrow’s paper. I thought it might be a few years off. The District will be crippled if it… Continue Reading
Election analysis September 11, 2013 I offered the Trib my first analysis a few seconds after getting the vote totals for Nancy Nilsen and me. We were 2nd and… Continue Reading
The next halting steps September 11, 2013 Last night I watched a PBS program on Billy Jean King and her place in women’s sports. I remember this well party because I… Continue Reading
Tomorrow the campaign begins in earnest September 10, 2013 The Results from the Tribune Continue Reading
I hope the joke isn’t on me September 9, 2013 This morning I spent $1,200 on lawnsigns which should arrive on Friday. It will have been a ridiculous expenditure if I don’t make it… Continue Reading
Herding School Board Cats September 9, 2013 Readers of recent posts did not know it at first but I was keeping up with the School Board race from Iowa. The Trib… Continue Reading
More about that DFT email September 9, 2013 This morning I got an email from someone who had called me earlier and told me he was troubled that I encouraged folks to… Continue Reading
My weekend Questionnaire September 9, 2013 On Friday or Saturday I got a curious request from an unidentified person. It asked me to answer an attached questionairre and return it…. Continue Reading
I endorse this editorial September 9, 2013 As one of the nine School Board members who created and or protected the “ten percent reserve” which ended up at about $23 million… Continue Reading