My weekend Questionnaire

On Friday or Saturday I got a curious request from an unidentified person. It asked me to answer an attached questionairre and return it.

Evidently Annie Harala had already answered it and her reply was sent to “reply all” so that I and the other candidates all got her message as well as the unknown sender.

I replied with a request that the sender idenity herself and explain what was attached so that I could be sure it wasn’t a trojan horse or a virus.

A little later on I got a sheepish reply from the sender a person I’ve known for thirty years. By this time Henry Banks had also sent in a reply demanding identification. Knowing the person I promised to answer the mysterious questionairre once I got home and before tomorrow’s primary election.

It was a little different:

So that all my readers can see what I answered I enclose it here along with my replies:

Dear Candidate:

Please respond before election –
Thank you in advance for your prompt response


What is your purpose (in life)? To preserve the world and possibly pass it on to future generations better than it was handed to me. This is a pretty tall order.

What is your Mission Statement (for your life). Ditto

What are your Goals (for your life). To live a long fulfilling life, stay interested and pass on my enthusiasm for life to friends and family.

Who do you most admire/emulate, your hero/heroine and state why? There are many worthy candidates but the one that has the most allure for me is Abraham Lincoln.

What resources do you rely on to educate yourself on current issues? Good Histories, honest reporters, Seekers of truth.

Knowing the sender I suspect that a hoped for answer was a five letter word taken from the ancient Greek meaning “book.” That would have been a good answer but it wouldn’t have been mine. I’m an agnostic. That’s ancient Greek for “without wisdom.”

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