I’m not pissed anymore

After thinking about it for four days I’ve decided to tone down my last major appeal to the voters. I just replaced it on the coverpage of the Welty for school board website. I woke up to write it a few mornings ago and was quite pleased to begin it “I’m pissed off.”

For many days I thought that pefectly described how I felt about the terrible consequences of the Red Plan. I thought it caught my visceral reaction to events. Today I caved in to the fear that voters would object to the crude beginning and that it might cost me votes. On the other hand this flyer was only marginally about my campaign. It was about slapping voters awake to the perils their local public schools face.

I had wanted, and still want, voters to understand that this is make or break for their schools. As smart and knowledgeable as I am if I get elected without the passage of a levy Lazarus will die and I won’t be able to revive him.

I’m still pissed about that. I trust that the more youthful audience of the Internet will forgive my verbal trespasses.

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