…For instance:
Viewers of this “news” channel are complicit with it in the murder of Princess Diana, the strangulation of American Democracy and the misinterpretation of Jesus said to be the “Christ.”
For a few short months before I tossed my hat in the ring against Trump fellating Pete Stauber I was cranking out columns for the Reader so that I actually had time to prepare my campaign and work on a book and publishing it without always getting stuck on Fridays without a polished enough column to avoid being a little embarrassed about it. As I am in the process of figuring out how to sell a book in French for Continentals utterly confused by how their beacon of Democracy has sunk to the level of Jerry Lewis destroying the aptly titled Gore Vidal short story “Visit to a Small Planet,” amd poisened Earth by their apocalyptic understanding of a sage and martyr we know as Jesus of Nazareth
Note dismal Rotten Tomatoes score
I have a good rough draft of the column I intend to send in next Friday. Two or three other ideas in process and this morning waking out of the zen state dreamed up another half dozen. Here’s the email list I sent myself so as not to forget. Titled “My mind spilleth over it listed these cryptic titles:
Topics for future columns peut-être (French for maybe)
Duolingo and my graceful fall from grace
New years resolution my last one maybe
Writing as one of my non resolution
Zen of going to sleep or vleari.g my mi.d for the constant meteoric bombardment of ideas
New York times vs Faux news of the princess killer
How these can hint at what I might write in terms of books not hindered be Reader deadlines
Wizard on my mind x3 or more
The three more include these from earlier which I’ve already done some thinking about:
Snakebite, komodo dragon algorithm, Mt. McKinley, Deepseek.
One of my ambitions is to use AI to translate these into French. DeepL is better at French than me like the best computer chess aps are against human grand masters. You might note my potential topic about falling from grace gracefully from Duolingo. My French is vastly better but still vastly short of the day to day repartee (french word there) that I’m capable of in Anglais. (English) French and English overlap by about 30 percent word wise. its just their tenses, pronouns, grammar and the other 60 percent of words that make it inscrutable. It is listening to rapid fire French that is turning me away from Duolingo which I will still probably used for another 700 days straight at the daily 15 minute level. 3000 straight days seems like a worthy goal…..which reminds me of my potential column about no longer making resolutions each New Years. That was my last resolution about forty years ago……except it wasn’t really a resolution.
BTW FAUX which I superimposed over Fox for another possible column is also French for “fake.” Its a perfect replacement for “Fox” News which is largely fake and funded by the dark money wielding people who created the Deep State such as it is.
If I can put a couple of these into words each week I’ll have plenty of time to turn a book into French and who knows, maybe even run for office again. And we got more snow. Now that Dorothy’s friends melted away I have room for something other than His Impeachancy President Trump and his monkey army. Note. After this cartoon of Trump I vowed not to let him contaminate my front yard again. I meant it but watching his flying monkeys swarming over America loosed by Congressional fellaters reminded me I had to do something. So Trump is “flying” over my yard not quite contaminating it. Just hold your breath when you pass by.