Countdown 59

Had a wonderful time putting up signs at the beginning of Grandma’s marathon route yesterday.

Will begin working on the rest of the route today. I started my morning by preparing another fifty of my big masked signs which by the end of the week after Grandma’s I hope/plan to start putting up beyond the borders of Duluth.

I don’t need millions but a few tens of thousands of donations will help me pay for gas as I travel and put up signs and knock on doors. There are a lot of anti-Trump people in red country. Many are cowed as the Trumper/anti-woke people once were. I want a reckoning that will lead to Thanksgiving being a time when we don’t fear to meet with our families again. That requires honest. Honesty is not the truth. What is required for Thanksgiving is a willingness to concede that opinions are not the truth. They may be close but they are still opinions.

For race week I’m putting this ad in the Duluth Reader

You don’t have to go to the site to push it. You can do it here.

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