Campaign Countdown 68 days just before a well deserved break to visit the Cicada bomb

I’ve got wheels…..

After the success of my sign requesting the return of my stolen lawnsign I chose another neighborhood issue to advertise:

Hubert Humphrey passed through these arches as World War II approached and they were preserved after a fire gutted Duluth Normal School’s Old Main a few years after I moved to snow sculpture heaven. Now the City of Duluth is suggesting that the arches are an attractive nuisance and have surrounded them with ugly orange fencing perhaps to test how angry people would be and make them despair of keeping this bit of Duluth History from being remembered.

And then there was this discovery today after I responded to a cartoon of a bloated Donald trump in a speedo with a dozen fit young swimmers claiming if he didn’t win the race it was because it was rigged. To that I added a comment about Uganda’s Idi Amin and a link to my page for Congress. Cool, Cool, Cool.

Feel free to share the URL for WeltyforCongress yourselves. I’m rather pleased with it and think it could spread the message of someone with a real possibility to defeat a Trump nodding head in the August 13th Minnesota Republican primary.

BTW. I slathered Grand Avenue with signs yesterday. Like Snivley Road out east people were eager to help me out. I’m going out early today. Hope I still have useful legs for the weekend because we are heading to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, tomorrow to check out the Cicada Bomb they call Cicadapalooza.

And FINALY, I hope I’ve seen the end of those notices of limited resources when I visit this blog. I was able to post this link heavy post in 20 minutes not the hour and a half it took when that message gummed up the works. Its a beautiful day to put up lawnsigns. Where ever you are I hope its beautiful too. Why don’t you donate to my little rainbow. American voters only but anyone, like my pen pal in France can buy my book online.

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