Correction – Alanna has a deeper resume than I said

I mentioned that Alanna Oswald is beginning her second year on the Minnesota Dept. of Ed. state-wide Title One Committee. Actually she is beginning her fifth year on the Title I committee at MDE.

No wonder the MDE staff has gotten to know her and appreciate her smarts and credibility.

And further I said Art Johnston tagged along with her as her guest at the meeting. Wrong again, Art is actually a new member of the Committee and is beginning his first year on it. I did say, didn’t I, that this involves the tricky process of overseeing tens, if not hundreds, of millions of federal monies in Minnesota destined to help poorer kids? In our District this constitutes a large chunk of the 9% of our general fund that comes from Federal sources.

I don’t know how Art finds time to do these things since he’s had to work feverishly for last year taking on freelance engineering projects to pay off his now $74,000 in legal fees imposed on him by our school board majority.

If the tone of my last post was just a little brittle it reflects my outrage for this terrible miscarriage of justice which distracted us from our real job – educating our children.

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