The GOP’s business… February 16, 2012 …is not a lady’s business. Apparently: This morning, Democrats tore into House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) for preventing women from testifying… Continue Reading
I bash Mississippi regulalry… February 16, 2012 …but if you exclude the majority of old white Mississippians who still want to outlaw marriage between the races its changing before my very… Continue Reading
Would some Democrats prefer a fictional sell out President… February 16, 2012 to a real President who has weathered even more mean-spirited Republican attacks than his television counterpart? Continue Reading
CPAC speakers are so dumb they use…gasp… February 16, 2012 teleprompters. Is there no hope for the Republic? Continue Reading
Reporting on the Minnesota Supreme Court February 16, 2012 The case against the other unfortunate area School Board that trusted Johnson Controls Inc. From the Timberjay courtesy its Editor: Justices have many questions… Continue Reading
Nolan was just endorsed by the Teamsters February 16, 2012 Whoopee! I knew you’d be excited: Rick Nolan for Congress        Teamsters Joint Council 32 Drive Endorses Rick Nolan for Congress     Dear… Continue Reading
How I became a Republican February 16, 2012 A follow up to the previous post. So Grandma got us a room in the Duluth Radisson. Grandma and I call our Wednesdays with… Continue Reading
“What a mess!” February 16, 2012 Last Wednesday when our house was in the greatest state of upheaval with painter’s tarps on three levels of our home we had the… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day February 16, 2012 scapegoat As in this accurate DNT Editorial appraisal of the Duluth School Board. The old boss is gone. He can’t defend himself. Let’s blame… Continue Reading
Is it time for Minnesota to audit the Duluth Schools? February 15, 2012 I’ve posted my opinion on this a number of times. (I can’t be sure if all the posts in the preceding link actually talk… Continue Reading
Pardon me for being so slow February 15, 2012 Its taken me six years of fruitless requests for the public data JCI has been hiding behind the argument that they have a right… Continue Reading
JCI’s other local School Disaster February 15, 2012 Lie, conceal, lie, conceal, go to court. Two legal disputes involving a rural northern Minnesota school district could affect how other Minnesota school districts… Continue Reading
recrimination = finger pointing February 15, 2012 Whoopsie Daisy! Our richest and poorest elementary schools might might face construction delays. Its all IV Foster’s fault. The people in charge of the… Continue Reading
It was set up to fail February 14, 2012 While I was trying to find Fox 21 News tonight I ended up on WGN. That’s Chicago’s premier local television station. By coincidence they… Continue Reading
I picked my wife up at a bar… February 14, 2012 …Happy Valentines. Apropos the last two posts. I have nothing so heartwarming to pass on to my potential voters as Jeff and Tarryl do…. Continue Reading
Tarryl was once shy… February 14, 2012 …No more. Friend, Â As couples across Minnesota celebrate their relationships on Valentine’s Day, Tarryl and I have an extra reason to celebrate. On… Continue Reading
My opponents outspent me 5 to 1 but… February 14, 2012 …Happy Valentines Day: Jeff Anderson Democratic-Farmer-Labor For Congress ONE OF US. FOR US. Dear Friend, Vice President Hubert Humphrey once said, “The greatest gift… Continue Reading
The more things change… February 14, 2012 …the more they stay the same: “This is despotism, this is tyranny, this is the annihilation of liberty,” one senator wrote to a colleague…. Continue Reading
When the miserable science becomes execrable February 14, 2012 How to explain economics to a thirteen year old boy. By way of my Buddy by way of Gred Mankiw who is Mitt Romney’s… Continue Reading