Whoopee! I knew you’d be excited:
Rick Nolan for Congress       Â
Teamsters Joint Council 32 Drive Endorses
Rick Nolan for Congress  Â
Dear Harry     Â
I’m writing to share some great news. By unanimous vote of its board, Teamsters Joint Council 32 DRIVE, representing more than 60,000 working families across Minnesota and the Midwest, has officially endorsed our campaign for 8th District Congress.
The Teamsters JC 32 DRIVE endorsement is one of organized labor’s most powerful, prestigious and effective expressions of support. The Teamsters are known for their political independence, for their tough screenings, and for repeatedly picking and supporting winning candidates with extraordinary grassroots efforts.
Here in the 8th District, Teamster public employees, Teamster construction workers, Teamster drivers and Teamster workers of all stripes have been fighting for fair wages and benefits, and for economic justice for working families, for more than a century.
I worked my way through college as a Teamster at UPS, and I’m so proud that they continue to count me as one of their own. My commitment to them, and all working families, is to return to Washington and lead the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act, for pension protection, for single payer universal health care, and for an end to the right wing war on workers that includes ‘right to work for less.’
Moreover, we are mobilizing working families throughout the 8th district with the endorsements of the 12,000 member United Food and Commercial Workers Union, several union locals, the elected leaders of several local unions and the leaders of all general labor councils in northern Minnesota. Added to these are the personal endorsements of dozens of current and former political, community and business leaders.
Throughout the 8th district we are beginning to feel we matter again. We are joining together to take back the 8th district from control by the wealthy and powerful 1% and make people matter again in Washington DC. The strength of this momentum was shown last week when we polled over 52% of all DFL precinct caucus attendees who had a preference in this congressional race, outpolling all other candidates combined.
But the endorsement I’m asking for today is yours.  Please make today the day you decide to help make a difference. You can do three things, now.